by Maaaaarrrrriiiiio » March 20th, 2017, 4:41 pm
Hey there! Welcome to, it's great to see a designer around here, especially a Somewhat Active one(I'm one of them). And I'm Maaaaarrrrriiiiio(That's right, 5 "a"s, 5"r"s, and 5"i"s) I am a new user too compared to most. I've only joined 4 months ago. So whenever have any questions, don't hesitate to ask me(or I won't hesitate to ask you if you're an old designer), I'm constantly active. Also, check out the chat on the top of the page above the "search" column so you can get more involved and enjoyed chatting with other people. I guess that's it, so see ya and have a nice time at runouw!
I am Maaaaarrrrriiiiio, A Minecraft Maniac.
Thanks Doram for the sigbar!
Thanks Yuri for the avatar!
You guys are the best!The 30 REAL tests of Hover Fludd part 2
Sorry guys I removed the done date because I have way less time to make SM63 levels now.
This is my Portal rating standards:
I give every level a overview with a total of 100 points.
1. Difficulty(20 points): I will take points off depending on how far has the level been beyond easy or hard. But generally, most of the levels should get full points on this.
2. Graphics(10 points): I will take points off depending on how laggy this level is. Again, generally, most of the levels should get full points on this.
detailed standards on this:
>25 fps: 10/10
20-25 fps: 6-9/10
15-20 fps:1-5/10
<15 fps:0/10
3. In-game playing(40 points): This score shows how fun, playable and unique this level is.
detailed standards on this:
4. Other(30 points):I will give points on this depending on how well does the level use the tiles and items(15 points each).And all points from special rules are added here.
!!!Special Rules!!!
1. If I see any cutoffs-any at all, at least 10 points will be lost.
2. If level does not fit theme, 25 points will be lost.
3. If there's anything that's extraordinarily inspiring and unique, I will add extra points.
4. The harshness of my rating, that means how strict I am while rating the level depends on how long has the author been designing.
5. If there're any flaws that doesn't pertain to all rules above, I will deduct points within reason.
EDIT 1(April 11): decreased the amount of the points given for laggy and bad game playing
Previous Quotes(chronological order): show Why, Impossible......
My level judgement is very harsh.
A level, just like a person, is Never perfect.
Every time you have more of an item, that item becomes less valuable.
---------My SM63 Level collections!----------My Minecraft Diary!-------------