New Achievements?

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Re: New Achievements?

Postby ~MP3 Amplifier~ » July 25th, 2013, 4:51 am

If someone's thumb up begging a lot, it can be classed as postcounting, and they can get a warning for it. I don't think it would happen too much.

Besides, if you make it so the medal requires a high amount of thumbs ups that's not going to be easy to get hold of, that would be a lot better. It may be far out of people's reach so then it's appreciated more that way.
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Re: New Achievements?

Postby nin10mode » July 25th, 2013, 5:02 am

Suyo could always make it a hidden achievement. I personally like osu!'s way of doing it. They have a small amount of achievements, the bottom category having no description. That way, people have an idea of how to get the achievement instead of the specific requirements.
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Re: New Achievements?

Postby NanTheDark » July 25th, 2013, 11:33 am

Random ideas!

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Runouw All Week: Make at least one post per day for seven days. (Simple)
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Re: New Achievements?

Postby JSlayerXero » July 25th, 2013, 11:41 am

I believe the cookie Medal was supposed to turn gold once you got 99. Although, that was under the old system where you had a single image with a number under it saying you have X amount of this medal and an option to see each individual instance of why you got that medal.
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