If we had to "approve" of every new users' posts, wouldn't that mean their posts wouldn't show immediately? So a regular member might post in a topic, not knowing that a new user had posted earlier, only to find out
after we've "approved" of the message that they just said the same thing. You know what I mean?
We mods aren't on 24/7, I'm afraid. There won't always be someone to approve of these posts immediately, and thus, confusion would occur so often.
megamario126 wrote:People who create topics about ads of dvds or aynthing else that's kind of related to it should be perma-banned. Most of these users are 40 years old. Weirdos....
That's what we do already. If they're a 1-post member (or in some cases; 0-post member) and they advertise in any way, they're awarded with a nice little perma-ban.
And as for the
User of the month thing, I don't think it needs to be a medal.. Rather a little message at the bottom of the page, next to the member stuff.