You know what? I've looked at it before, and where the database stores the info, it's more gibberish than that, and the files themselves are pretty gibberish, and when you right click the image, and go to "View Image", it uses more gibberish than that. I never knew you could shorten it to the User ID and it would work.
For showing me something new about how the forums work, your wish is granted. And yes, it will have to be BBCode. The smilies won't take input like that.
Ok, caveat time. This IS not perfect. A number of people I tried with it, don't work. Some for the obvious reason that they are linking to their avi, and not having it stored here on the site (Supershroom qualifies: 146552), and others are not so clear cut why they fail (MoD qualifies: 298).
Otherwise, it works beautifully.
- Code: Select all
[avatar=33070]NanTheDark[/avatar] Text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text
[avatar=33070]NanTheDark[/avatar] Text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text
It's the avatar, and their name, floated to the left, and the whole thing is a link to their user profile. Also of note, it does not do rank colors, and I am working on that (technically there's a staffcolor bbcode - that's not working - that you could embed in it; having it pull the color automatically is MUCH harder).
Just be aware of things stacking up to the right of the left floated element, like this:[avatar=4611]Doram[/avatar] The avatars will line up on the left, and the text will all flow to the right. Just be aware of how far down the text reaches (if you are trying to line up the text with the avatar). Of course, you could also use tables to get the positioning right (one cell per row, avatar floated to the left of it by default, and text to the right by default, but table rows separate individual sets).