I'd like to just note that it's been quite an honor being on this forum. I was able to learn a lot from all of you, and I made some great friends who I will never forget.
Well, this is my sad good bye to you all, at least for a while. I've been really irresponsible on the computer, Facebooking some of you, and chatting inappropriately. For my own safety and future, my parents have decided that it's better for me to use the internet without chatting with people who I don't know as a friend in real life. This includes not only chatting with you guys on Chatango or something, but overall the forum itself. Believe me, this isn't being over-protective, I agree with some major points that they gave me.
I just wanted to make one thing clear, I'm obviously not going to be visiting the forum very often... probably as in, less often that Demonik and MIC often. Despite my absence though, I'd rather not be demoted from my position as Level Moderator, just in a case of me coming online in any situation, or if I finally get the chance to come back online as often as I do now.
Anyways, getting those boring facts out of the way, I'd like to make a few shout outs.
Thanks to some of the closest friends I've made here.
Venexis- For your awesome humor, intelligence, understanding me, and inviting me to this forum in the first place.
Panik! (Jelloman44)- For your great knowledge of music, more humor, and always being here to make my day great.
MessengerOfDreams- Being so awesome and funny, (Ok, let's admit it, all of my friends are funny, so let's skip that), being a great moderator, actually tolerating me, and also, nice art!
Redlink- Ok, I know, everybody is funny, but I wanna make a shout out to Red here for being one of the funniest guys I know here. You're LMFAOIFLICDRNBYASDF funny, (try figuring that out), and your randomness always cheers me up, despite me even in my depressed states. Sarcasm is this guy's rule of life.
Aznchau4ever or however the hell his name goes- You really helped me through some tough times, I'd like to thank you for that. Thanks also for understanding me, and also, I'm in a room full of my asian friends now! *is shot for racist remark*
Avolerators- Well, there's not much I can really say that I haven't said about anybody above, but still, you're a great friend Avo, funny, understanding, and always a friend to help me out.
I don't really know Aro as a member of Runouw, so she doesn't make it on this list, but she'll still make it onto the list of my important friends online.
There are tons of other people I could mention, but I've just come to know these guys above more, and I'd like to thank them making my stay here a lot more enjoyable.
I'll really miss this forum, but for now, I have to move on. Hopefully, some of you know my Youtube account to prove I am still alive and playing the saxophone.
Well, any sort of ending remark that would sound good to go along with this good bye has not flooded to my head, so I guess I'll have to wing it. Thanks all, friends, mods, filthy spammers who post Chinese products in the level forum, it's been great knowing you, so good bye all.
Man, this is a real sh*tty good bye, but oh well, it's all I could think of in thirty minutes.