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Well Guys, My Time has come.

PostPosted: March 31st, 2012, 2:00 pm
by Avo
Basically, I'm getting a ♥♥♥♥ load. And I mean a ♥♥♥♥ of homework lately. My mom recently found out about how my marks are in all my subjects (they...aren't very good...) and told my dad about them. They are both pissed. Pretty pissed.

So, as a result, she is banning me from all video games, all music, all anime, and all phone-talking for a whole month and wants me to focus all my time into my studies so I can get better grades.

What's worse is she knows about this site. She knows that I visit them every day. And so, she is banning me from this site, too. Well, actually, she banned me from this site about two weeks ago. You see, I've been "grounded" for a while now but I sneak on here whenever I can, because...really...I can't leave this place. I have too many great memories from this place. But, just recently, she caught me on here. She blew a gasket and then permanently banned me from this site. Yes, you read that right folks. PERMANENTLY. (Well, until my marks are raised but God knows when that will happen)

I'm walking on thin ice just from typing this message. But I can't leave forever and not let you guys know. I doubt everyone would read this if it was in the L/R thread, so I decided to make a whole separate topic for this.

I'm shedding a few tears just typing this. You guys have no idea what this site means to me. It has changed me. If has made me want to be something successful and it has taught me to always look on the bright side. I have met some of the nicest people on this site and it hurts me to leave.

So. In conclusion. I've had the time of my life being on this site. Moy, Suyo, brando, foru, Chau, Ven, Ninny, Buff, Blab, Mic...and everyone else. I can't name you all because there are so many of you. But thank you so much for making this site the best forum in the world.

Sincerely, ~Avo.

Re: Well Guys, My Time has come.

PostPosted: March 31st, 2012, 2:50 pm
by PuppetOfMisery
I'm sure your mom will change her mind after studying…

Anyway, bye Avo. Nice having you for more than 2 years.

Re: Well Guys, My Time has come.

PostPosted: March 31st, 2012, 4:03 pm
by ~MP3 Amplifier~
Spoiler: show
OMG Avo... :'(

You are such a legendary member. i'll never forget you and neither will anyone else. it's such a shame to see you go, even i'm shedding a tear typing this, because you worked so hard for the animation too.

Well, if this is goodbye, i wish you the best in life and to make the most of it, after all that's what we live for.

MP3 edit: oh god, is this an april fools prank or genuinely true?


Re: Well Guys, My Time has come.

PostPosted: March 31st, 2012, 4:52 pm
by MessengerOfDreams
I'm gonna break character for a moment and say; I don't know if this is a prank or not... but I've always found pranks like this to be excessively cruel. Like, why bother? Either people know it's a prank or you've broken their hearts.

Trust me, I found this after I got myself perma'd in 2010. I felt like a ♥♥♥♥ when I stressed people out like that.

Re: Well Guys, My Time has come.

PostPosted: March 31st, 2012, 4:59 pm
by Master1.0
Guys, he's not leaving permantly. :P

Though I do hope you can join us again soon fellow brony! I'm sure we'll see you again soon Avo, I know it!