Hey guys. Remember that on-site chat we had back on freeforums and in the early days of the site, which was then taken down because too many people were using it? Or the on-site chat we had for about 2 weeks before it was killed because too many people were using it? Or chatango, which we left because it was horrible? And then we had the PubNub chat which we had to leave because they started putting a price on it? And when we finally moved to an IRC hosted by me, but many people had problems connecting or were just too lazy?
Well, time to change it. This is a mix from the best things of all of them. Welcome to the new age.
First off, this all runs via my server, which has no CPU or traffic limits, so it should not affect this site. Of course, it still takes a lot to host both an IRC server and an AJAX Push Engine, so
a HUGE shoutout to http://youtube.com/xtokashx , whose extremely generous donation made this possible!The new on-site chat is basically an embedded IRC client on the forums, so if you prefer, you can still use your own IRC client (there's instructions if you hit the link in the top right of the chat). Right now the on-site chat is in a test phase - it's missing a number of functions and there's some bugs, so for now, until everything is complete, only Fortress Of Awesome members will be able to use it. If you are not in the FoA, request access by PMing a global mod - the members will then vote whether you get in.
The chat will start appearing on top of every page once you
activated your account and have joined the FoA. If you find any problems or have any suggestions, post them here - it's still in development and there's a lot to come still.
Merry feliz kurisumasu or whatever alternative your prefer, everybody!
Just a little to-do list to show you what's coming up: show - Message times
- Forum Moderators recieving operator rights via on-site chat? Might be impossible
- Handle connection errors gracefully
- Colors and formatting
- Channels and private chat (the latter is already possible, but will show as regular channel message)
- Highlight notification?
EDIT: Some Chrome users are reporting problems. If you are stuck at "Please wait..." please send me a PM with your Chrome version and a list of plugins you run.