<Raz> Venexis
<Venexis> helloooo
viewtopic.php?f=11&t=47054&p=303376#p303375<B-O-T> [ View topic - Runouw Census Idea • runouw.com ] -
http://runouw.com<Venexis> ughhhhhhhhhhh
<Venexis> please tell me this forum wide PM was not F23 only
<fourinone> Oh dang RIP my account.
<nin10mode> It was an email
<Raz> He's asking if the users knew
<Raz> which I don't think they did
<Venexis> Do we have any way to confirm the email was sent? Because uh... now taht I'm actually looking at my PMs, I didn't get it.
<fourinone> Yeah, where do I find this email? It's not in my PM box.
<Raz> uh
<Raz> It implies people with 0 posts get the PM
<Aznchau4ever> me neither
<Aznchau4ever> oh
<Raz> and 1203 users, which is you guys, dont
<Raz> It's not a PM btw
<Raz> it's an Email
<fourinone> Oh okay.
<Venexis> Could a mod find a random 0 post member and check their PMs to confirm it worked?
<Raz> It's an email
<Raz> you can't check people's emails
viewtopic.php?f=10&t=46784<B-O-T> [ View topic - I don't remember making an account... • runouw.com ] -
http://runouw.com<Venexis> oh, hah, I thought you were using them interchangeably, lawl.
<fourinone> Hi Seth.
<nin10mode> He four.
<Raz> Seth ♥♥♥♥♥
<nin10mode> Heeee
<fourinone> Seth Dongs
<Bam_0700> That was a funny joke
<Raz> Soooo
<Raz> is it actually a problem
<Raz> that we should worry about
<Raz> or naw
<Venexis> You know, I dunno. I can't really answer that fairly because I have no idea how to address MoD's concerns
<Venexis> Would levels submitted by a user be deleted along with the account?
<Raz> I'm fairly certain that users who have been deleted but have posted have their posts saved
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<Raz> actually no
thankslist.php?mode=givens&author_id=10691&give=true<B-O-T> [ Login • runouw.com ] -
http://runouw.com<Raz> I thumbed up a couple of deleted posts
<Raz> but that doesn't mean anything
<nin10mode> I faintly remember seeing posts from deleted accounts
<nin10mode> But again, those are posts, not levels
<Raz> Me too but all the deleted accounts we've had have been spambots
<Bam_0700> Can we make a robot that spits spam everywhere? The food spam.
<Bam_0700> Sounds like an extremely useless/fun project
<Raz> I'm good
<Raz> we've had enough spambots and it's nice to not have them
<Bam_0700> Yes, but those are the unfun kind. I'm talking about gross "meat"
<Raz> I'm really confused whether we should do something about MoD's post or not
<Raz> Like it's too late to send all the emails all over again
<Venexis> Alright, let's take it slow.
<Venexis> Nin, Chau, if someone rereg'd just to post a level and then you deleted that account, we could verify, right?
<Raz> can moderators even delete accounts?
<nin10mode> No.
<nin10mode> Account deletion is another ACP thing
<Venexis> well ♥♥♥♥
<nin10mode> the amount of things I'm unable to do is bothering me again
<Venexis> Oh
<Venexis> You know, it doesn't even matter
<Venexis> Because he's talking about the old portal
<nin10mode> lmfao
<Venexis> we can't post to that anyway even if someone made a rereg to try
<Venexis> Well I just made a post in that topic, but we could always pick a user who posted to the portal, save their level's code, then test what deleting the account would do
<nin10mode> Yo
<nin10mode> After some really simple research
<Venexis> it's a small scale test, if everything's lost, we could still email them their level if they want to keep it
<nin10mode> no levels get deleted
<nin10mode> MAGIC
<Venexis> None?
<nin10mode> Yeah
<nin10mode> If you go to the old portal and click some authors, it gives you an error page
<nin10mode> clicking the level is normal though
<Venexis> Can I have an example?
<Venexis> Like if you're there already
<Raz> Guys
<Raz> my old username is an example
<Raz> ShyGuy no longer exists
<Raz> but my levels still exist
<Bam_0700> RIP
<Bam_0700> He will be missed
<Raz> RIP ShyGuy
<Venexis> Is that different though? Because you had a name change and all
http://runouw.com/levels/viewprofile.php?name=ShyGuy<B-O-T> [ Runouw.com ] -
http://runouw.com<Venexis> Or was that a totally separate account
<Raz> err
<Raz> good point
<Raz> but still ShyGuy no longer exists
<Venexis> Yeah because he became Tsutarja lul
<Venexis> I dunno if that's how it works
<nin10mode> Click in the old portal and click seel or kamek
<Raz> But their levels still exist
<Raz> just not their profile
<nin10mode> exactly
<nin10mode> That's what I'm getting at
<Raz> Oh
<nin10mode> The profile is gone
<nin10mode> the level is safe
<Raz> I just got back because i made hot cocao so I missed the discussion
<Raz> (yes hot cocao in the summer)