Current themes:
- Dark Runouw - By yours truly
- Carbon Runouw - Also by your truly - UPDATED 20/DEC please go to the theme page and update
- Runouwinter - Yet again,
- Runouw Solemn - By Shad
- Runouw Aero - Also by Shad
- Runouw Solemn+Aero Mix - Original creator Shad, combined by Oranjui
The topic may be updated or not, depending on my mood, please give feedback to the authors or see if they are willing to take requests. You can also contribute by creating your own CSS and uploading it to Stylish's database. Post it in the topic and I shall add it to the list. You can start by editing already existing CSS files.
Current changelog 20/DEC/2015:
- Created Runouwinter theme
- Changed Icons and link colours in Carbon Runouw
The following spoiler contains old thread info.
Old Topic: show