Friend: So I have thought about and i got an idea
Friend: we could meet on tuesday after college instead
Caitlin Oo: ah, i can't do tuesdays i'm sorry :/ i'm pretty busy at the beginning of weeks now because i've had to make other plans now i'm not at college
Friend: it's okay I understand
Friend: well there is always thursday or friday with that giant break xD
Caitlin Oo: oh yeah friday :O
Friend: -sigh- i'm hoping [college band] won't turn up tomorrow
Friend: I just want an opportunity to compose in silence
Friend: damn
Friend: when i was writing my angry lyrics i recorded some of tunes ideas i had
Friend: so i could barely make out what it was later on
Friend: I had the practice room to myself and still
Friend: they have found their way into my creative process
Friend: AAARGH
Caitlin Oo: maybe you could ask [course leader] to go to the studio to work, if it's free that is (:
Friend: I would... if a) it is not studio 2 as you still can hear whoever is playing underneath
Friend: b) it had keyboard
Friend: at least listening to that recording always gets me in the right aggravated state that is needed for that song >.>
Caitlin Oo: I guess so, think of it in that way, I feel sort of guilty that I can't be there now to rant about it with you :c
Friend: well at least I can rant to you on skype
Friend: and I shall save my best rants for friday >: D
Caitlin Oo: yeeeeahh >: D
Friend: Quote from [lecturer]: "oh look at this! Q and A with the principal! this is an amazing opportunity to ask important questions such as "How do you manage to keep your hair this high?""
Friend: And in other news omfg [quiet lecturer] shouted
Caitlin Oo: Wow how did I miss this o.O
Caitlin Oo: An INTP SHOUTED AHHH everybody hide :3
Friend: ah they made an article about the college band in the local newspaper
Friend: *quotes a speech that praises the talent of our college band and says that the college gives the same opportunities to everyone*
Yeah, right. No
Caitlin Oo: lol ♥♥♥♥
Friend: Let me rephrase it so it represents the truth
Friend: We are commited to focusing only on students that are capable of bringing exposure to our college. If you are in this group you will be tutored separately in those modules that you would think should be available to everyone on music performance course such as stage presence and charisma. Otherwise prepare to perish in mediocrity. What? life is tough and this college is the best place to learn it. See? We prepare you for future.
Friend: I think i managed to convey all that college is about
Caitlin Oo: XD