[18:06] Shad: Because I just saw this video and what the ♥♥♥♥
[18:06] Shad: "Woman Didn't Change Her Underwear For 3 Weeks"
[18:06] Bread: o_o
[18:07] Shad: "Sex addict wants to have sex with cactus"
[18:07] Shad: Yall mofos need some jesus
[18:07] Bread: yeah we get some real nutjobs over here
[18:07] Shad: YA THINK
[18:07] Bread: hee
[18:07] Bread: we're not all like that, but the ones who are...
[18:08] Bread: I mean, yikes
[18:08] Bogdán: >3 weeks
[18:08] Shad: Bog don't do this
[18:08] Bogdán: well egh I'm okay with it
[18:08] Shad: OH MY GOD
[18:08] ~Yuri: ...
[18:08] Shad: :weary:
[18:08] ~Yuri: I'd imagine mold would have formed on the underwear at this point
[18:08] ~Yuri: like, holy ♥♥♥♥
[18:09] Bread: hurk
[18:09] Positron: ew
[18:09] Bogdán: yeast infection gallore
[18:09] Shad: Something smells fishy to me
[18:09] Shad: I'll see myself out
[18:09] Bogdán: but since I've not yet met a person to this I cannot know
[18:09] Bread: :point_left: :point_left:
[18:09] Bogdán: I'm legit courios
[18:09] Shad: Bog no
[18:09] Shad: That's how you get STDs
[18:09] ~Yuri: Pls bog
[18:09] Shad: Girl probably has a worm
[18:09] Bogdán: no boy, I wouldn't go in it, sheesh
[18:09] Bogdán: more like study it
[18:10] ~Yuri: lmfao
[18:10] Shad: What are you trying to be a goddamn gynocologist or some ♥♥♥♥
[18:10] samuRai: Kary õ/
[18:10] Bread: rai \o
[18:10] Bread: how are ya?
[18:10] Bogdán: man I've watched a vid about a guy injecting his sperm into unfertilized hen eggs to see if a homunculus would come out
[18:10] Shad: I just finished lunch and I'm retching laughing
[18:10] Bogdán: I'm legit interested to study weird ♥♥♥♥
[18:10] samuRai: 50/50
[18:10] Bogdán: most for the sake of couriosity
[18:11] Shad: Jesus christ I'm going to be sick
[18:11] ~Yuri: there was this headline about that woman in a tribe where they used potatoes as an anticonceptional
[18:11] ~Yuri: So, she forgot the potato there
[18:11] ~Yuri: And there were friggin potato sprouts growing there(editado)
[18:11] Bread: how does one forget that
[18:12] Bogdán: potatoes
[18:12] ~Yuri: one doesn't
[18:12] Bogdán: boil'em
[18:12] Bogdán: mash'em
[18:12] Bogdán: stick 'em in a -stew- gina(editado)
[18:12] ~Yuri: ayy
[18:12] Bread: lmao
[18:12] Bogdán: how the ♥♥♥♥ do I cross the words here
[18:12] Bogdán: bold italic
[18:12] ~Yuri: aa
[18:12] Bogdán: whatever
[18:13] samuRai: double tilde
[18:13] ~Yuri: aaa
[18:13] Bogdán: --this--?
[18:13] Bogdán: nem
[18:13] samuRai: aaa
[18:13] Bogdán: what's a tilde
[18:13] Nan: that sounds disgusting
[18:13] Bread: ~
[18:13] samuRai: ~
[18:13] Bogdán: oy
[18:13] Bogdán: ~oy gevalt~
[18:13] Bread: hello world
[18:13] Bogdán: liars
[18:13] Bread: double tilde, bog
[18:13] Nan: I'm talking about what Yuri said
[18:13] Bread: ~~
[18:13] Nan: a tilde is ok
[18:13] Bogdán: aah
[18:13] Bogdán: ok
[18:13] Bogdán: yes
[18:13] Bread: \o/
[18:13] Bogdán: many thanks
[18:13] samuRai:
[18:13] Nan: over here we call this a tilde ´
[18:13] Bread: that's cuz ur weird
[18:14] Bread: <3
[18:14] Nan: but it's more accurate to call it an acento gráfico :stuck_out_tongue:
[18:14] Bogdán: i just call this "approximative"
[18:14] Bread: over here we have a technical term for ~
[18:14] Nan: Ñ
[18:14] Bread: it's "that weird squiggly line thingy"
[18:14] samuRai: what's so graphic about it
[18:14] Shad: "And there were friggin potato sprouts growing there"
[18:14] ~Yuri: lmao
[18:14] Shad: There was an old man who had peas grow in his lungs
[18:14] Bogdán: we used to say monkeytail for @
[18:14] samuRai: people stuff it in people's names over here
[18:14] Nan: that it shows up(editado)
[18:15] Bread: anyway it's gettin' late here
[18:15] Shad: If the humidity is right and there are nutrients like oxygen in there, anything can happen
[18:15] Bread: take care folks o/
[18:15] samuRai: night
[18:15] ~Yuri: man
[18:15] Bogdán: nighto
[18:15] ~Yuri: how did he get it in his lungs in the first place
[18:15] ~Yuri: see ya kary o/
[18:15] Bogdán: I remember my grandma saying that a boy came to her hospital with a bean that grew in his nose
[18:15] Shad: Plus the lady bits have thousands of unidentified traces of bacterial species that keep evolving and making new ones
[18:15] Nan: it depends on stuff's pronunciation, a word can be aguda (accent upon the last syllable), grave (second to last), or esdrújula (third to last or before)
[18:15] samuRai: there's better ways to improve foul breath, people
[18:15] Shad: So it's some good fertilizer for potatoes
[18:16] Nan: and there's rules about whether or not they mark the accent with this ´ or not
[18:16] Bogdán: Shad
[18:16] ~Yuri: oxítona, paroxítona and proparoxítona is what we call them here, Nan
[18:16] Shad: The old man was eating peas and coughed while swallowing one, and it went down the wrong tracht(editado)
[18:16] Bogdán: you realise what you've done?
[18:16] Nan: depends on whether or not it ends on n, s, or a vowel
[18:16] Nan: unless it's a esdrújula
[18:16] Bogdán: You can harvest that ♥♥♥♥
[18:16] Nan: in that case you always use this ´
[18:16] Bogdán: become a pioneer in the potato growing industry
[18:16] Shad: Oh my god
[18:16] Shad: You're right.
[18:16] Bogdán: $$$
[18:16] Nan: stop talking about planting stuff in ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥
[18:16] Nan: please
[18:16] ~Yuri: Gonna grow a farm on my ♥♥♥♥ genitals
[18:16] ~Yuri: what a great idea
[18:16] Shad: What do I call it
[18:16] Nan: it's icky :unamused:
[18:17] Bogdán: well we already have lab grown ginas
[18:17] Bogdán: we need to make them have the same bacteria
[18:17] Shad: Pregnant Potato Inc
[18:17] Bogdán: :money_mouth:
[18:17] Bogdán: I'm sorry
[18:17] Nan: stahp
[18:17] Bogdán: but this emoji was needed
[18:17] Bogdán: Vagtato
[18:17] Bogdán: (sorry nan, I can't help it)
[18:18] ~Yuri: what have i done
[18:18] Shad: "It's a tuber"
[18:18] Bogdán: I'll mention you once I get the patent, Yuri
[18:18] Nan:
Linkin Park
What I've Done (Official Video) - Linkin Park
[18:18] Bogdán: I buy you good car
[18:18] Shad: Hey, that gives a whole new meaning to having a potato though
[18:18] Bogdán: attract many chicks potato growers with it
[18:18] ~Yuri: I pass on the credit part
[18:18] Shad: Instead of calling a baby a potato, we call a potato a baby
[18:18] ~Yuri: sign me up for the car though
[18:18] Shad: Baby potato babies
[18:19] Shad: ♥♥♥♥ wait there is a problem with potatoes
[18:19] Shad: They grow upwards
[18:19] Bogdán: Well speaking of potatoes back when I still wanted to write a small story I had this idea of people trying to GMO the potato so it'll substitute for meat and other stuff
[18:19] Bogdán: basically all MREs would be potatoes
[18:19] Shad: If they don't get sunlight they sprout more potatoes off the root, and then you have like 10 potatoes where they shouldn't be
[18:19] Shad: Plus it's a nightshade
[18:20] Shad: Nightshades are toxic enough to kill
[18:20] Bogdán: aren't they used for dyes though?
[18:20] Shad: I'm talking about growing them in women though
[18:20] Shad: We can't farm potatoes that way because they'd kill the carrier
[18:20] Shad: How the ♥♥♥♥ did we get here
[18:21] Bogdán: ugh right, it would require some
[18:21] Bogdán: maintenance
[18:21] Shad: So about those Minecraft parrots