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Survival on Halloween

PostPosted: November 11th, 2009, 5:25 am
by Blablob
This is a forum game. Here's how it works. There are 5 innocent people trying to hide from Michael Myers. Those 5 people have to vote on who dies (sorta like Mafia, except less people, Michael Myers, and less things like the Mayor.) So, before the game starts we need 5 unlucky volunteers. Just PM me, and I'll put you in. After all 5 have been chosen, each of those 5 must state in this topic the person they want to die out of the 5 (obviouly you don't choose yourself.) After all 5 of you have voted, I PM the player I feel deserves to die. Then, I'll post in this topic who died, and that person can no longer participate. And the routine will keep going and going until there is only 1 person left. That person must give a GOOD reason as to why you want to live, and I'll choose if I kill you or not.

Now, here are the rules:
--When the game begins, don't wait TOO long to post in the topic
--When stating who you want to be killed, don't say something like "Because I really hate that person". Your explantion is REQUIRED, repeat, REQUIRED to be at least 2 sentences. Same goes for stating why you want to live.

Okay. The spots are open. Let the game BEGIN!


Re: Survival on Halloween

PostPosted: November 11th, 2009, 5:28 am
by Suyo
This is a good way to see which people hate me :P BAN TIME!!!!11 lololol