"Good choice, my liege. I am honored to have you as the king."
"Let's not get ahead of ourselves, Spirit Guide. I still need to know why I've been chosen."
"I know you are not the type to read up on history-
“Would all of you stop with that?”
“-but it is as the scriptures and legends persist. Mario was borne into the limbo, and made a world from it after giving the world its light and livelihood back. Even as he created the universe as we know it, however, he was still a human being himself. He married a ShyGuy wife, that of the Ignacio clan, and begat children."
"ShyGuy? Like Roa?"
"Yes, like your guide. The pest."
"Hey! First decree as God: don't go insultin' my friends."
"As I was saying, the ShyGuys were appreciative to have children of light with even the inkling of Mario's power. The humans were not, they stifled it."
"So… if the ShyGuys had power before, y'think Roa's capable of more than it seems?"
"More than it seems? Have you missed her garden? One could presume she’s molded the gardens over the course of many years. The very fact that she could so easily set up transports says more than enough. She's had her talents right in front of the face of the world, as dim as they may be from the passing of generations."
"Well, I daresay if you need a God you'd go to her. She's a talented and wise young woman."
"Even her power is no rival for your raw talent. From your subconscious you created all of this. The temple which you shall rule from is right here, all yours."
"Well, it is pretty nice, isn't it?"
"Indeed. Now, you have the opportunity to not just explore the universe, but create it. From here, you'll rule, and you'll finally make the universe yours"
“Like… designing it? Or like delegating it? I’ve been to enough places where I’ve always wanted to kind of make my own, y’know, but the ruling over everything part kinda scares me.”
”You have the responsibility of both, but you shall not be alone. I am the part of you who knows of the past, the power. I am your talent. I will guide you, for I am you.”
"This is amazing. Y'know, I'll do my best to make the universe an amazing place for all. More of the benevolent type. But wow, I can’t even begin to think..."
"You are the son of Light, the direct descendant. Your judgment rules. You are more than capable."
"Mr. Josif!"
"Roa? What's happening?"
"Cyril, I never thought any of this was possible- the legends were simply legends... I'm sorry, I'm on my way."
"Ma'am, don't panic. This is amazing!"
"You know nothing of history, of the risks. People have died because of the abuse of such power. Kingdoms have fallen… accidents have happened. Trust me, Cyril. I wouldn’t lie to you, but I can't let one person have this power... even if it's you. I'm sorry, Mr. Josif."
"Like I said, a pest. Stop her."