by -BY » September 9th, 2013, 8:26 am
I hope there's no problem with me judging Magma Falls.
Fun 5/10
There hasn't been something special gameplay wise. It's overall a average red coin hunt trying to show of a connected lava world. It wasn't boring either. You did your best to add a good variety to the level, using several item types in several ways. Unfortunately the use of those was quite limited, what ended up with the player trying to get through the maze like system in the upper sections of the level. Especially those paths above lacked gameplay elements. Enemies and a few lava pits just didn't fill that gap. The use of moving blocks, fire throwers, bullet bills or flipping platforms in challenging ways might have been a nice addition. That might help a lot if you'd want to go for an equal difficulty through the whole level. Other than that only lag bothered me quite much. I blame my computer for that. But levels using 50+ for y-size should make more use of leveltransitions.
Graphics 2.5/5
The graphical work was held down by spamming like use of items overall. Starting with tons of clouds in the left section. I'm not quite sure what's been the purpose of that. It's just looking a bit odd to me. The use of twisted trees could have been chosen better as well. They are clumped together in several places. The upper section, one gap in the right bottom section and the wall at the very right of the level just felt too much like cutoff to me. This could have been easily get fixed at times using tiles in a more clever way or switching a tiny bit between tilesets. It lacked decoration in the upper section once in a while. The change between empty looking parts and spamming like ones felt like too much contrast to each other. imo
Still. There's been some effort done with the graphical work. It'd just need some polishing.
Other 3.5/5
No loading time issues +0.5
Some lag issues -0.5
Music choice + 0.5 (It's rare to see a level fitting to the alternative theme and the other way around. Most of them use an alternative theme for rather dumb purposes. aka: Gonna add that theme because it sounds cool, not caring if it fits at all.)
Overall 11/20
I can't compare it to your other works since I haven't played any of them. (I'm at least honest. : P) If you keep designing more frequently you should get rid of those 'mistakes' by yourself. They are easily avoidable. Other than that it's been a good level. I hope this review fulfilled it's purpose in trying to help in a more or less constructive way to point out some flaws.
In case you wanted someone more qualified to judge your level, just get sure to say it the next time you request a review. : )
Big thank you to FrozenFire who created this masterpiece. : )