level designer is a feature in Super Mario 63. It is unlocked by collecting 5
Star Coins. But it's totally
useless because you can also acces it via
the extras menu. Anyways, you have to go in
the castle, entering the room with the big shine sprite and then right. You will find a hall with
empty paintings. Enter one of them and:
done! The level designer is now in your laptop!
Star coins unlockablesIn the
level designer there are more tilesets not only 4. The other may seem to be
locked. (I will edit the guide later)
At 10 coins you unlock
grass tileset.
At 13 coins you unlock
cave tileset.
At 21 coins you unlock snow tileset.
At 25 coins you unlok
volcano tileset.
At 28 coins you unlock
desert tileset.
At 38 coins you unlock
castle tilesetAnd at 43 coins you unlock other tileset.
People comments and star ratingLike every other DESIGNER, there are
comments. In runouw, they are named replyes. The people commenting use a
set of rules. So if you find comments like "this level suck and smell like pooped poop", use the Report Button.
But let's focus on the LD. Replyes are given in function of level's aspect. If there are impossible levels, just comment; if you made a impossible level, press Mr. Edit button and PUFFF. A useful thing is than you may
learn from these: what to do better, what suggestions to try, how to improve your grammar etc.
useful thing is the
star rating. To rate, click on the number of stars.
1 star: bad
2 stars: umm...
3 stars: medium
4 stars: good
5 stars: excellent
I will continue editing the topic torrmorow.