A fun game by Thorgaming, but you'll go to index page, so scroll down and look for Mario Match; the game with icon showing Mario's face. Index: http://www.thorgaming.com/index.php
-All what you do is to match 3 fac--You know how to match. Connect 3 faces. But you can match more than 3 faces also, in different shapes, but you must have at least a line of 3 faces.
-If more faces are next to the line, they will count in the match if they're the same as the lined. For example, you have 3 Bowser faces in one line and one Mario face separating one from 2. Also there are 2 Bowser faces over the 2 and 1 under the 2. Swap the lone Bowser face with the Mario face and you get all Bowser faces in teh shape away.
-There will be some numbers for you to collect in place of the faces matched. Collect them and your power meter will raise.
-The power meter can kill any number of faces, the first power pops a column, the second power pops a row, the third power pops a column and row, the fourth power pops THE WHOLE BOARD. Reveal number 50 and a star pops in, capture the star and you'll get the time frozen and full for a limited time; you can know when to end this from the music.
-If the time runs out, you're dead and Game Over.
-There's a worldwide highscore table, do your best to retrieve the best score ever in the universe! Also, if you like to tell us your best score, you can post it here.
That's all for Mario Match, have fun.