General Rules

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General Rules

Postby Runouw » July 29th, 2009, 3:59 am

Here are the Universal Rules; they apply to every Forum and Sub-Forum here:

1. No Inappropriate Material
This means, no posting things that are illegal, massive swearing or bypassing our swear filter. Also, respect someone else's privacy; don't go posting their address, phone number, etc.

2. Think Before You Post
Re-read your post/topic before it is posted and be respectful to other members.

3. Don't Spam or Flame
Doing either just makes you look like an idiot, and will get you in trouble.
Here are some previously encountered examples:
RAYMOND1996 wrote:This level is 100% crap, like you.

I don't think I have to explain why this is bad.
Backseat moderation is a kind of Flaming.
??? wrote:Mods close this thread and ban him.

We can do this alone. We don't need your help. Simply use the report option (see Rule 6).

Please read this for more information.

Or spamming:
Chat wrote:elliot555>sdasgklhjgadljg
Brian Wong 8867>fasjkasfhklasfhjklasf
Brian Wong 8867>iuwpjpafkpfoa

You get a warning every time we find you spam a lot. Bumping - that means writing a post in a topic which is older than one month - also counts as spam. Exception: If the Bump contributes a lot to the topic or in your Level/Artwork topic.

4. Don't be Dumb
Try to use proper grammar, type in full sentences (including punctuation and Capitals.), and make sure the words are as close to the correct spelling as possible.

5. Use Common Sense
Anything that would break the rules on forums in general should not be posted.
That means:
-> Edit Posts instead of double-posting (warning after three double-posts - exceptions: Your own level/artwork topic and if you have to contribute something REALLY important - but in these cases you also have to wait for 36 hours / 1 and a half days until you are allowed to post).

-> No advertising of sites or products (exceptions include in your signature, your website profile field). One warning for the first occurrence, and for your second, a severe warning.
(Exception: Big sites like or
GF_LEGEND wrote:Get your latest gamers news and movies here...

-> No reregistering (PERMANENT BAN)
It doesn't matter if you did it for fun. This is not acceptable.
There's a reason why you got banned. That's why there's a ban log now.
You get permanently banned from now on for re-registering.
Example: Raymond.
First he advertised and backseat moderated, then flamed and got banned. He created two more accounts to trick us, and ended up with a permanent IP ban.
If someone wants to register on the same network as you, for example a sibling, contact staff first.

-> do not post flashing images. Some people here have epilepsy and it isn't good if they get a seizure.

-> and much more... just use your brain. Generally, everything which is not allowed on common forums is not allowed here, too.

6. In the Chat
We use an external IRC for our chat, but the forum rules still apply there. Like the forums, if you see an offense, please report the user along with a screenshot as evidence.

As a result of multiple accounts of confusion from name changing, we have decided that no name changing AT ALL will be allowed. We don't care if you did it for fun, or it's a slight variation of your current name. If we find you've changed your name, you will be kicked from the chat and given a warning.

7. Signatures
Due to users uploading excessively large pictures for their sigs, we've decided upon a rule on the Signature size. From now on, the maximum height for your signature is 250px. If you exceed the limit, we will PM you. If you do not shorten your signature, it will be deleted and a warning given.

YouTube videos are not allowed in signatures.

8. Rule Breakers
If you see a topic or post which breaks the rules,
- Contact a staff member by a instant messenger like AIM, MSN... if possible. You can see the names on them in their profiles - best to add them now! Give a link to the topic/post.
- If a staff member is on the forum, but not in the instant messenger, shout out in the chat. Give a link.
- Click Mr. Report Button (Image) so the mods find it faster. Keep in mind you won't get banned if you make false reports*, so use him often.
- Reply to the spam topic/post telling he broke the rules. This can be counted as spamming.

*unless you spam stupid reports to annoy us.

9. Account
You are responsible for your account. If you get hacked, that's because you had an extremely simple password. Anything that happens to your account, or on your computer relating to is your responsibility.

10. Warnings
For breaking rules, you get warnings. They expire after 90 days. A severe warning counts as two warnings.
If you manage to get 3 warnings, you get a 1 week ban as a prize.
5 warnings equal a 2 week ban.
Every warning after that is a 1 month ban. By the end of this, some warnings should have disappeared.

Admins and Mods have the right to determine if you have broken any of the rules. It is advised that you DO NOT argue with their decisions.

Main rules (1-5) originally by Runouw, Rules 6, 7, 9, 10 and examples added by Superyoshi, and Rule 8 enforced by Niklaw, along with some grammar corrections. Various edits made by Superyoshi and added by Blablob.

Grammar corrections and a few edits made by Buffooner.
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Re: THE RULES - Last update: 28th May 2010

Postby Blablob » January 21st, 2011, 1:31 pm


--changes have been made to the rules regarding bumping, double-posting, advertising, and posting flashy images.
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