by JSlayerXero » March 13th, 2014, 11:49 am
To anybody who's curious, for the unfinished levels, I used a different scoring scheme. Normally, I started at half and added or subtracted as I saw fit, with the closer it being to 50%, the more mediocre, forgettable, etc. I thought a level was. However, with the unfinished levels, I capped it at half, and reduced points for anything I thought wrong. An unfinished level could theoretically score 50%, but it's highly unlikely.
I'm still the lowest rating or tied for it for any of these levels, so I definitely didn't stray far from my norm. I had no idea which levels were finished and which weren't, so I just looked at each one. My reviews can be bit long-winded because I usually write them as I'm playing the level. Hence why there's a review for every level here. Some of these I feel I could've said more though. I read through my reviews and see some awkward wording, bad sentences and typos that originated from how I originally wrote a sentence and what edits I made or didn't make.
To add to what Volkove said, a 20/25 = 16/20. I'm pretty sure there have been SM63 levels that have scored over 16. I thought it was nuts when Nan's level got a -.5 miscellaneous, but then I realized that Raz started at 0. It's a bit odd to see that. By the way, Runouw accidentally put my review of Yoshidude's level in twice.
I hang out with Jesus.
Even though I prefer to go by Xero, nobody calls me that it seems.