by JSlayerXero » September 25th, 2013, 9:10 am
Goody, I placed 11th out of 18 people. Considering I'm in the lower 50% I find the review scores to be... Oddly high. Although it wouldn't be unlikely that everybody subconsciously works on a floating point scale. Or maybe I'm alone on that. I'm not a huge fan of disabled transitions to be honest. I could've used that now that I think about it, but even if I wanted to use them, I'm still not a huge fan of using them in general. I was actually thinking of making a level designer's nightmare where I make the worst thing I can that's still playable, but I didn't get around to making part 2, so meh.
So right as I'm about to post this I'm told Nwolf just posted his results. Yeah, consistent 4 tiles jumps. I actually decided I wanted an obnoxiously steep mountain that is probably going to tank me in the points department because it's a Nightmare. I never said the player isn't going to go through one. As I mentioned earlier, one of the scrapped ideas was an area that would be a nightmare for a Designer, and either the same or a different one would actually be the player's nightmare. It would've been ridiculous, and hard, and stupid, but it's your nightmare so if you don't hate it by the time you come out of it then I would've done something wrong. That never surfaced. Oh well. I think there's at least a little bit of cutoff I threw in intentionally knowing me. It makes me wonder if any of you considered that I made a few bad decisions because it's a nightmare world, even if these are the easier ones. Oh well, my fault in the end so no point in complaining. Kudos to the winners, my computer is probably too old to play any of your levels
Last edited by
JSlayerXero on September 25th, 2013, 9:11 am, edited 1 time in total.
I hang out with Jesus.
Even though I prefer to go by Xero, nobody calls me that it seems.