Runouw wrote: ... neAS3.htmlThere's the game so far, including the character designer.
How to use the character designer:
- Start by going to file - import, select and upload a few sprites for your character. (All need to be an individual file, sorry. I will work on getting animated gifs working soon)
- If it worked, Save it... Go to File -> Save
Watch this video on how to make animations: controls:
- On the workspace, hold space and click to drag the workspace around... The plus shows where the bottom of characters feet should go.
- Use the mouse wheel to scroll though the library and list of attacks...
- At the top (the timeline) The circle button will create frames that carry on what is on the last key frame.
- ^ The plus button is a
- To scale an image, use control + arrow keys.
- To rotate an image, use Z and X
- Holding shift will move by units of 10.
- Press
, and
. to change frames forward and back.
- Press enter to play the animation (It will play at 32 fps)
- You can toggle a layer's visibility by clicking on the name of it. (So that you don't accidentally click it when you need to edit something behind it)
It has an ENORMOUS amount of bugs at this moment. I would like you to report any that you find. Here is a list of the known bugs:
- When you import an image, you may have to try more than once.
- Testing character with a blank character will glitch up and freeze the game.
- If the game freezes, just refresh. Save your character CONSTANTLY (and I recommend that you make backups...)
- Undo/Redo does not work
And incomplete stuff:
- You can't delete anything in the library
- Can't copy/paste frames
- New Character button doesn't do anything..
- You can't make attacks do any damage
- There is no sound effects support (It will glitch up if you upload a sound effect)
- Online battle mode doesn't work in this specific demo..
- You need a mouse wheel to scroll the Library and Animations windows (I haven't drawn a scroll-bar yet)
You can load this character as an example of how to make one yourself:^ save the file as a .txt then load it with File - Load Character
I will be updating the engine periodically (every few months or so).
Please post suggestions of things I can change or fix. (If you run into any bugs, tell me so I can fix them [also a screen-shot will help me a lot more than words...])
Also here is the
latest version of the card engine.