This is what Runouw should use for a roster... [if he doesn't like his roster] starting characters: rodney copperbottom, mario, peach, ike, wario... lockables:
metal sonic[best character ever]: unlock by getting past 1000 on home run contest
kirby: unlock the star rod trophy
mewtwo: find mew and celebi
pichu: beat event match 37 from ssbm[super smash bros melee]
luigi: Beat marios adventure mode on easy, normal, hard or very hard mode
sonic: get past 500 on home run contest
knuckles: beat 100 man melee
bowser: beat adventure mode on normal, hard, or very hard difficulty
pacman: beat everyones but himselfs target test... [his target test could be him in a pacman game eating the targets]
bobo-bobobo: transform kirby at least 50 times
madame gasket: beat rodneys classic mode on normal, hard, or very hard difficulty
Runouw: play 100 vs matches
niko bellic from gta4: beat 100 man melee at least 5 times
samus: unlock 20 trophies
dark samus: beat samus adventure mode and classic mode on normal, hard, or very hard
*will think of more later if i can*