It's a shame to see the Game Showcase die, because I'd always been interested in game development even if I know I still kinda suck at it. I remember this was fairly active back in the day, and I've been wanting to revive the Game Showcase for a while now, even if no one cares about Game Showcase anymore. I didn't do so earlier because of my usual hesitation (and because I haven't explained the whole "previous incarnation" thing yet).
I'm lacking motivation and I hope posting this could bring it back, or that may backfire and put me further away from even touching my projects again. Well I'll never know until I try.
I believe my weaker point is in the graphical aspects, no matter what I do my custom graphics always end up looking like they're made in Paint (they're not, by the way). That's not even starting with the sounds, but forget about that. Oh yes and the aforementioned lack of motivation to get anything done.
Since I'm going to include more than one game in this OP, I'll use spoiler tags to separate the games here.
It's sort of just another typical indie platformer, except not the awesome type of indie platformer. Set in a futuristic setting with robots and typical sci-fi stuff, this is my closest thing to a "main project". But I still think the game is lacking something, I'll explain that later on... Also, it's
unfinished and probably never will be.
LinksVersion 2 Download("Version 1" exists, but I'm not posting it here since it's unnecessary)
ScreenshotsScreenshot 1Screenshot 2Screenshot 3Screenshot 4Screenshot 5Screenshot 6Screenshot 7Screenshot 8DescriptionIt's not that easy coming up with a good name, thus I'm temporarily calling it "
Super Xander Bros.". Yes, it's temporary, so please don't mind the unoriginality here.
In my own personal opinion, I think there's two things in this game that need improvement: The graphics and the level design.
For the former, I can NEVER get the backgrounds right, they just clash with the foreground and sprites. As for the latter, I just find the early levels boring and I'm not sure how to make them less boring. However I honestly like the later levels, so if there's any flaws, I'd like to know.
There's a total of 13 playable levels (14 if you count the short secret level).
I've included a couple of "cheat codes" for those who just wants immediate access to all available levels, because as I mentioned above the early levels are boring to play through. These codes are written in the game, on the very first screen.
This is somewhat based on a concept similar to an older cringey game, which I had once posted here back in 2011. I hope that doesn't "offend" anybody or something.
Another Shameless Tetris Clone: show This is a quick simple game I made just for fun. I guess it'll be appropriate to just slap it into this post. Anyways, it's just Tetris, and pretty much everyone knows how to play Tetris. It's mostly finished except for the absence of "GAME B", "GAME TYPE B" or whatever it's called.
Download LinkThis is a RAR file and it includes all the other info, so I'm not gonna explain them here.
The password is "tetrisclone".
It uses the default high score table function (which I normally avoid) because I can't be bothered to make a custom table.
Well, I do have tons of other unfinished games, but I don't wish to post them now, for reasons ranging from "they're not playable yet" to "they're just terrible" to "other reasons".