AwesomeJRFD wrote:He likes posting here better.
AwesomeJRFD wrote:He has posted there a couple times.
Actually, I didn't.
AwesomeJRFD wrote:This topic is for suggestions too.
Correct again.
AwesomeJRFD wrote:I added all the suggestions here into the first post of the other topic.
Not all, actually.
More Suggestions:
+ All items (Except the player, the enemies, some decorations, basic properties, box triggers) should have gravity settings.
+ Create-Your-Own-Enemy System (With damage amount settings, armor settings, strengths, weaknesses, maximum pixels for jumping, collision effects, design, abilities, health settings, mana settings, conflict with other enemies, transparent background, etc.)
+ All items should have resizing settings.
+ Trigger effects when the trigger collides with an enemy.