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THE MIRROR ISLAND: World 1-1 - Border Lands Pt1

PostPosted: February 9th, 2013, 2:13 pm
by ~MP3 Amplifier~

Mirror Island Map: show

The Mirror Island is the only place where we can find the mysterious and magic Mirror Stone. This rock has the the special power to copy elements from the past of the person looking at the stone: characters, places, objects. A Koopa, named Hanmeus, fled to the island, tired of being enslaved by the evil Bowser. He knows he can take his revenge because of the Mirror Stone, by building an armor made of that rock. That Mirror Stone would allow him to transform in anything anyone fears, which could easily make him Master of World if created. As people start to worry when they see a castle being built on the top of the Mirror Mount, Mario decides to investigate and defeat Hanmeus.

But the way to the castle won't be easy, the Mirror Stone being everywhere on the Island, in the soil, on the mountain, in caves, Mario may encounter fragments from his own past...

[World 1-1] - [World 1-2] - [World 2] - [World 3] - [World 4] - [Final Boss]


You are currently located in world 1- Border Lands- by the sea
of the island. During the world you will pass the beach, the shipwreck,
the caves/forests and the Honey Queen in the temple towards the desert.

Lag: *****
Loading time: *****
Difficulty: *****

---=== ALTERNATE MUSIC ===---
[Music 1 - Border Lands theme]

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Super Mario Bros.
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Super Mario Galaxy
Super Mario Bros. (Music 1)
Super Mario Galaxy (Music 2)