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PostPosted: May 15th, 2015, 11:47 am
by MessengerOfDreams
My 25quared LDC entrant is a little rough but I like the concept I toyed with. Check it out. See if it's for you. Zoom out if you can.

Another Wave From You/This Bright Flash by M83 (will continue to Echoes of Mine if you take longer than 4 minutes, but any M83 is good M83)

If this doesn't start you at 21:50, PLEASE start the music there.

Code: Select all

Re: Form

PostPosted: May 17th, 2015, 1:11 pm
by MessengerOfDreams
Edited it. Give it a shot, give it some feedback.

Re: Form

PostPosted: May 17th, 2015, 9:07 pm
by Harmless

You should probably fix these problems...: show
- I like the concept, but sometimes the moving blocks would actually prevent me from proceeding (or dunk me into the bottomless pit).
- please please PLEASE remove that bully. That one bully caused me more than enough troubles (especially when it got knocked down to the bottom floor of the level, where you start).
- You should put a platform underneath the invisibility star that's with one of the silver stars. Would help save me lots of time trying to reach the shine.
- I could care less about triple jumps in tight corridors, like to the left of the level. I spent some time on that, fell to my death, and just gave up on the level.
- flamethrowers (especially to the right of the level) came out rather fast and frequently, and gave me trouble.

decoration is beautiful otherwise and I love the concept of the level, there's just a lot of gameplay faults that the level could go without. 3/5 for now.

Re: Form

PostPosted: May 18th, 2015, 1:15 pm
by MessengerOfDreams
It's funny because I made most of those problems responding sloppily to criticism from FrozenFire about it not being challenging enough, but I'm already envisioning happy mediums. Thanks for the bug check!