Here I got an idea: Elemental shields. Basicly, they work as the power ups in SM63. The designer decides the time of each.
Red shield: Protects you from fire damage and lava.
Blue shield: Lets you breath underwater and swim faster.
Yellow shield: Protects you from lighting damage and increase your atack speed.
Black shield: Protects you from no-elemental magic (doesn't work underwater)
Green shield: Makes you inmune to poison. (Too much FF!)
Null shield: Protects you from any tipe of damage and poison.
Also, my idea was making fire and lighting enemis (the ones in the water do fisical damage). So:
Here's my enemie chart: if the name is red, means it deals fire damage. If it is yellow it deals lighting damage and if it is blue means that can only be put underwater (it can be put outside, but it will bounce dealing damage only if you touch it).
HP: Low
Info: it tranforms him self in a fire ball un rushes into you. Kind of creepy, right? But his most power is his speed, making it hard to hit.
Thunder bird
HP: Low
Info: it tranforms itself into an energy bolt and rushed into you. He might not deal as much damage as the phoenix, but he's faster.
HP: Low
Info: An agresive bird.
Fire worm
Hp: medium
info: This guy is hidden in the earth until your in his range, then he throws you fireballs. A guy you really don't want to mess up with.
Upsidedown fire worm
HP: medium
Info: the same but it pops out from above.
Hp: medium
Info: When you're far, arrows; when you're not, a knife.
Explosive archer
HP: medium.
Info: He throws fire powered explosive arrows. Get ready to hear a KABOOM!
Thunder queen
HP: high
Info: Throws a short range shock that deals a lot of damage. And don't try to escape from her! She can teletransport! Wach out, she's behind you!
Indo: unintresting, but annoying.
HP: Medium
Info: similar to worms. Pops out when you're close and inflicts poison. (It deals 1-10 every 10 seconds, it slows you down)
HP: Very high.
Info: Works like rocks, but stronger and with more HP.
HP: medium.
Info: similar to normal knights, but atack faster.
Sword fish
HP: Medium
Info: It rushes. And it is very annoying.
Red wizard
HP: Medium
Info: Cast "fireball"(spells are below)
Yellow mage
Info: casts "Shcok-ball"
HP: Medium.
Info: casts "Dark"
Blue wich
HP: Medium.
Info: casts "deadly flow"
Fireball: throws a powerfull horizontal fireball that explodes whan hits something or somebody. Mp: 5
Triple fireball:throws three fireballs: one straight up, one foward and one behind. MP:10
Shock-ball: throws an horizontal electric ball that passes through titles and enemies dealing damage to everyone in it's path. MP:7
Deadly flow(only works underwater);Throws a powerfull horizontal flow that pushes and damages everything.MP:5
Explosive flow(only works underwater): Throwstire a radial flow around you that pushes and damages everthing.MP:10
Dark:Throws a powerfull dark beam. MP: 17
Dark heaven: Throws and even stronger powerfull beam. MP:30
Poison: deals poison to an enemy.MP:5
I wished I helped
I also had the idea of the effects:
poison:already explained.
frighten:you're unable to use your standard atack.
forget: you're unable to use your MP magic.
unfocus:you are unableto use your delta magic.
Weaken:you recieve double damage.
fatigue; you deal half damage.
Now I have new enemies:
Info:Quite fast, inflicts frighten.
Info: this plant doesn't move from it's place, but throws seeds that inflicts forget or unfocus .
HP: low
Info:throws explosive potions that inflict fatigue.
Dark elf
HP: Medium.
Info:throws explosive potions that inflict Weaken.
Also,I have the idea of the marquet, so coins would have a use in the game. Here, the designer can put the price of any item.
Key: opens locked door (works with link)
Potion: restores your health.
MP potion: restores your MP.
Antidote: Heals effects.