by samgamereviews » October 23rd, 2009, 8:25 am
1.Make a new level.
2.Save and paste the code in word or notepad or something.
3.On a level, tiles are first, than items, than the level information.
4.Since there is only one object in a new level, it would be pretty easy to find.
5.The object for mario is irregular...which means that it's different than other object codes.
6. Here is an example to a Mario code at a new level:
I believe the 0,0,right are direction and X,Y speeds at the start. (Pretty much what direction mario is facing and how fast he moves at the start.)
7.To disable it just put a zero in front of the 1 so:
8.Now paste the code back into the level designer.
9. You should see the screen go off and see no tiles. This is normal
10. Than press play!
Hope that helped, check out the Level Designer Tutorial thread.
fourinone wrote:I'M YOUR FATHER!
samgamereviews wrote:Which one?
fourinone wrote:
Don't worry I have 1 dad. When there is no way out, blame the economy.Joke-Off Tournament Semifinalist!