18th Level Designer Contest

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Re: 18th Level Designer Contest

Postby Volkove » April 13th, 2012, 12:13 pm


5th place ribbon, why do you continue to elude me?

Judging Stuff.: show
Luigi's Castle - Nworlds
RATING: 16/20
FUN: 8.5/10
The overall run was indeed quite fun. Although difficult at times, it was never overly so, and it was rather engaging as a result. The reasonable checkpoint system helped as well, and the music set the tone nicely (although not flawlessly). It was probably at its strongest during the first two sections, but declined somewhat during the final portion (see below for elaboration).
I didn't really see the point of an enforced speedrun section either, especially when there's no real way to tell whether you're moving at an appropriate pace or not.
The levels at the start were top notch. Adding stars to the night sky within the desert in particular was a very nice move. However, the quality decreased somewhat within the castle itself, as it felt too artificial and chaotic for such an environment. I can't agree with blatant lava cutoff either; the fact that it is sometimes disguised as 'hot metal' remedies this somewhat, but it still doesn't look as nice as it could have, especially since you can't get hurt by hitting lava from below or the side anyways.
- The quicksand for the desert section is a nice touch in particular. However, although the sign presents a reasonable hint, it still feels like it could have been more obvious, like it traditionally is. +0.25
- Commendable use of a difficulty system; both parts play out rather appropriately. +0.5
- The block and glitch tricks pulled off overall are rather impressive, and add to the level significantly. The invisible maze, geometrically rotating blocks and the rising killer floor are noteworthy in particular. +0.75
- However, to offset the above, many moving blocks have the unnecessary potential to force the player outside the level's normal boundaries, often into a limbo state that cannot be escaped. The level is partially designed around this, but not always. Only a light crush is required to deal damage, after all. -0.5
- I can't say I'm fond of the style behind the 'final boss'. Sign-based conversations between those you cannot actually see are overdone, very hand-holdy and have very little credibility. On top of it, the overall experience didn't really feel like a boss at all, especially with the weird conclusion. -0.5
A pretty good level, I'd say; certainly an improvement over previous ones.

Sky Blitz Docks - Karyete
RATING: 14.5/20
FUN: 8/10
Although not mind blowingly so, the level is quite enjoyable as a whole. For a silver star hunt, they are reasonable hints to allude to their locations without making it too obvious, and the numerous paths available ensures that it isn't entirely linear in design. Some areas can become too overwhelming with enemies and bullets, though, which is somewhat problematic, and said non-linear nature has the potential to backfire due to the vague target goal presented.
The level certainly uses an interesting blend of tilesets for this one, and while it might be too chaotic and overdone in some areas, it is still relatively believable for the most part. At the very least, the appropriate metallic dock vibe is there, and it works.
- The idea of a door that leads you back in case you missed silver stars would have been nice, except that... it doesn't actually lead anywhere. Not only is it pointless as it stands, but it effectively disallows backtracking as a result. -0.5
It is certainly an improvement over many of your other levels; well done.

A Place in Space - King
RATING: 14/20
FUN: 7.75/10
It is interesting to bounce between planets and the like in order to seek out one's final goal, and the reason for doing so is certainly a cute one. However, it just doesn't hold enough appeal to justify a higher score, as it doesn't really offer anything that is out of the ordinary. The fact that space levels such as these are rather common doesn't help either, as it only stands out to a mild degree.
Overall, the graphical poweress was about average when incorporating everything. On the plus side, many of the environments themselves look nice, and the rocketship / Samus' spaceship (I think) / airship near the beginning were all cute space-ish additions. However, it feels like it tries to clump too many terrain sets together, and it doesn't look very appealing to me even when keeping the space theme in mind. On top of it, the blatant cutoff with the water worlds really looks unsightly and unnatural.
- Er... if you end up taking the first sling along its intended path, you don't end up reaching the next sling appropriately, thus resulting in instant death. Technically you can maneuver yourself, but how is a player supposed to know this on their very first run through? -0.5
- The extra shine is nice, but at the same time, even its existence is too obscure, let alone the red coins you need. That in itself decreases its worthiness somewhat. +0.25
While it is certainly a decent level, I just don't feel that it did it for me this time around. Maybe it is because of what it is being compared to this time around.

Universitas Creaturarum Mirabilis - ~MP3 Amplifier~
RATING: 15.75/20
FUN: 8/10
The level seems to fit a common trend in that it starts out strong, but decreases in quality closer to the end. The first part in particular was superb, between the not so traditional blue coin hunt for reasons that are more than meets the eye, and the platforming experience itself is quite fun.
Littering the level with so many coins, especially blue ones, robs the level of so much challenge potential, though, since the likelihood of actually losing a sizable amount of health is extremely low.
Likewise, the second section just doesn't have the same appeal at the first part, as it didn't have much that made it as mind-blowing as said first part. The conclusion didn't even see that conclusive either, since it didn't feel like anything was really resolved at all, despite all the buildup.
Graphically, it is quite superb, as there is little to complain about. Some of the obstacles don't fit the terrain, though, and it would have been nice if there was less grass / snow tile repetition, and the grassy sections in part 2 could have been less geometrical in design. Beyond such minor qualms, though, there is nothing else to point out.
- Interesting story/basis behind the level; involving Zodiac signs is certainly a new one. +0.75
- The red coins disguised as blue is a nice touch, but the lack of consistency within the full level poses an issue. Why are there so many blue coins outside the first section that don't have the same level of importance? +0.25
- Likewise, relying on the player's faith is never a good move, as there's no need to rely on the player to follow the right path. In both cases, it is possible for it to be enforced manually so that you cannot skip sections/scenes at will.
The fact that it also includes multiple unnecessary instances of breaking the 4th wall doesn't help either. -0.5
- The lightning effect in particular is quite noticeable as well, and reflects on the story well. Warning that it can potentially hurt seems unnecessary, though, since the only way it will happen is if you go out of your way to make it so. +0.5
- The darkness effect is performed well, but it becomes a nuisance when it deliberately hides obstacles that you just have no way of knowing exist. -0.25
- Sorry, but no amount of graphical work makes up for horrible 5-10 FPS lag, even on the lowest quality possible, and the town region of the 2nd part suffers from just this. Very frustrating. -0.5
Even with the little issues here and there, it is still a significant improvement over your previous levels. Nicely done.

Spacerock Galaxy - AzErOtH
RATING: 12.5/20
FUN: 7.5/10
Although a relatively simple red coin hunt with mostly average play features, there are some other gameplay and platforming aspects that allow it to stand out a little more, making it surprisingly enjoyable. Of course, the pathing isn't always clear, and feels a bit too empty for a typical Mario environment (the lack of enemies for the most part can be noticed quite easily). The pros and the cons counteract each other enough to justify an average score in my eyes.
GRAPHICS: 4.25/5
Although some sections and interactions don't fit together or make sense, the level is designed quite well. There aren't any glaring issues, and it fits (what I assume to be) the environment it is trying to portray, so there aren't any complaints from me.
- Why would one rely on unnecessarily breaking the 4th wall (via insistence on communicating with the players through signs) if it is only used in literally one other instance? The fact that signs can provide hints should be a given. -0.5
- Far too much of the level involves blind guesswork due to the rampant abuse of border blindness / hiding key items without any directions or hints whatsoever. To be more specific on the glaring issues:
*** To reach the red coin hidden within a cluster of shrubs near the start (which is in itself a problem, albeit a minor one since it stands out), you need to rely on platforms hidden below the border of the level, yet how is anyone supposed to know they exist, or how far they extend, other than through blind trial and error? -0.5
*** Another red coin, shortly after the first transition, is extremely well hidden in a precariously placed bush that one simply wouldn't reach naturally. How is anyone supposed to know it exists without checking the level designer? -0.5
*** Some switches extend the block timers, while others shut it off immediately, yet once again, there is no hint whatsoever that you'd need to avoid those switches until you hit them and are thus forced to repeat some portion of that section again. -0.25
*** The secret silver star challenge revolves entirely around entering invisible pipes to reach each one, but once again, how would anyone actually figure this out, especially the first time around? The only reason I figured out what to do was because MoD did something similar in the previous LDC, except he actually provided instructions on how to proceed. -0.5
It is a respectable coin collection level, but the gameplay flaws are what knocked it down in the end. Even so, it is still pretty decent, and means that you're continually improving.

The Long Night - Yoshi999
RATING: 12/20
FUN: 6/10
I see that the same general idea is used once again.

The level is exclusively focused around platforming that offers a choice between three paths to reach your final goal, and might have had more to it had there been a second part. Beyond this, though, there really isn't much to it, as while it contains a couple more original obstacles in a few areas, it still consists almost entirely of slightly varied jumping challenges between a multitude of floating snow/cave platforms. The fact that you falling in one path simply sends you to recover in another reduces the difficulty factor considerably, and the presence of the unnecessary hover fludd compounds this even further, ensuring that the level remains unexciting overall.
Unfortunately, the aesthetics don't hold much appeal, since it is generally a bland environment with the focus pretty much entirely on the platforming. It isn't natural at all and just seems like a giant obstacle course that is rushed in its design. There aren't any serious problems, but there are very few noteworthy areas either, so it doesn't justify a very high score.
- Split path system again; a nice niche, but like before, could have been executed better. +0.5
Unfortunately, the level has the same basic issues as the last time: it has a decent idea with the multiple paths, but the extremely basic execution prevents it from standing out from the crowd. Generic just doesn't cut it.

Man vs. Machine - BrawlerEX
RATING: 8.5/20
FUN: 5/10
At its basis, the platforming behind such a level is quite intriguing and unique. The tricks with the platforms and switches to set up some unique pathing is appealing, especially in the first section.
However, there is such a significant multitude of areas that are simply too frustrating to work with, as needing absolute precision to proceed, being forced to wait continually between failed attempts and/or needing to complete significant portions of the stage again should one mess up gets extremely wearisome after a while, and simply doesn't offer player-friendly platforming. For a few notable examples:
Needing to perfectly mount three vertical platforms to have a tight time limit to repeat the same thing in another corridor? Annoying. Needing to triple jump backwards when there is little room available? Frustrating. Needing to jump through a tiny corridor without spinning due to being metal? Tiresome.
Combined with extremely non-intuitive pathing in the section section, such problems occur far too often (and there are many other smaller ones that remain unstated), and they detract from the enjoyment considerably. It tends to be at its worst in the section part, if I had to guess.
In a few areas, mostly near the start, the graphics are quite good. Although fishy in a few areas, it wasn't too problematic at least.
In other areas, though, the cutoff is appalling, and while some issues are subtle and easy to overlook, it is quite glaring in others. In fact, it is to such an extreme point that I wonder how such amateurish issues could have been overlooked, since it is not something one should ever encounter at this point.
- The signs and story both don't work out as they currently are. Stating the story outside the level rather than in is a poor move, and it doesn't help that more than half of the signs do not have any spacing whatsoever. The only aspect of any significance I even noticed was a barely discernible duck, and it just feels like the level would have been better off without all these unnecessary attachments. -0.5
- One particular path involving a snowy section and an invisibility star literally doesn't lead anywhere. I scoured it in the level designer, but unless I am missing something, all it is is a dead end since it is impossible to backtrack from that area. However, a checkpoint leads there, which means that it is clearly meant to be used in some way, and I see the way one would normally use said invisibility star near the start, but the missing link to reaching that area in the first place is a major issue. -1
- There are too many issues with moving blocks and such dragging the player into the terrain, which results in many unpleasant side effects (lag, being forced into instant-death tiny crevices that cannot be escaped, sometimes being forced outside the level's boundaries) since the game engine isn't set up to handle such situations. They should have been avoided. -0.5
The effort is certainly there, but unfortunately, the multitude of obvious flaws and issues make it little more than a burden to play through such an entry, and it is what drags down the score in the end. Such issues should have been dealt with earlier on, possibly through better playtesting.

Dark - MessengerOfDreams
RATING: 17.5/20
FUN: 8.75/10
It provides an enjoyable mix of a story with depth (although that's covered in other) and a genuine enjoyable platforming experience. Although it doesn't offer the gratuitous use of glitches or anything of the sort, it remains a great platformer at its heart, and it shows that good design beats a reliance of moving blocks and other code-based tricks. Quite frankly, I enjoyed it quite a lot, as it shows how much really was put into making this work overall.
Oddly enough, despite being a major focus, it is the bullets that often detract from enjoyment the most, at least for me. While it started out well with their occasional use, they weren't quite so hot later on. The collapsing bridge section has a tendency to be annoying when it broke well before it was even reached (not sure if this was intended or not), and the later bullet patterns within the fortress itself were both far too spam-like (collecting stars while being trailed by an army of nothing but homing bullets really gets old fast) and unpleasantly generic (although I might be well adjusted to bullet hells and the like).
I suppose it is for the above reason that the fortress itself felt a bit lacking, and despite that it should have served as the climax, it just didn't feel that way to me. The beginning was stronger, and so was the overall conclusion.
I can see that it makes for an interesting melting pot of different design styles and features, and it makes for a more amusing experience than usual. The level of detail remains amazing, and is among the best once again. I love the light-powered bridge feature in particular; although you said it was inspired by someone else, it is still quite mesmerizing (although it backfired once).
The reason it got a 4.5 is largely because there are a multitude of lesser issues scattered throughout the series, and while they are minor enough to shrug off, they still add up. Between some iffy castle cutoff, overclustered doodads, some poor color scheme choices for some fortress portions and a couple other things, they serve to slightly mar what is otherwise perfection.
- It is interesting how you chose to express a story through a medium such as this, and it is the best one I've seen yet. The choice ending in particular was not something I had expected; superb job. +2
- The sheer effort that was clearly put into this deserves additional praise as well. +0.5
- Unfortunately, there are negatives as well. For one, while it wasn't as bad as I had initially feared, the lag and loading times in varying sections do tend to be problematic. Ironically, the bullet spam is often the culprit (yet again) despite that it is part of the central theme. The collapsing bridge being practically made of destructible bricks didn't help either. -0.75
- Likewise, the extreme length leaves something to be desired. After all, it is a level contest, wheras the length is extreme enough to be more of a flat-out series. It likely could have done the same thing over less parts had it been compacted better, and it wouldn't have dragged on so long as a result. -0.5
Quite the accomplishment, I'd say; no wonder it has received such high praise.
It is still kind of odd that the main focus ended up providing the major issues, though.
Will do sporadic level reviews on request - PM if interested. I will only do one level at a time. I tend to be rather critical.
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Both made by MoD, naturally.
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SM63 Level Designer Contest Winner
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Re: 18th Level Designer Contest

Postby ~MP3 Amplifier~ » April 13th, 2012, 12:17 pm



Nahh, I'm proud. ;)
I mean, 6th place in a hugely huge and talented LDC? The fact that I was beaten by only brilliant level designers makes me feel pretty honoured to say the least.
I hope I can move up to the silver tier! ^_^

MP3 EDIT: Oh yeah, judgings :P

My 18th LDC judgings:: show
with Dark

Fun8.5/10. I loved it so damn much, I enjoyed myself so much. Nothing more to be said. Only thing is, in part 4 I found a very tedious maze, it started off fine, but that maze plus the camouflage bricks plus the tricky platforming made it very difficult, which means I couldn’t give higher than this score in fun without feeling uncomfortable and biased.

Graphics4.75/5. God MoD, this is sexy! xD Every section I entered was heavily decorated. And in the first part, the decorations were able to be made to seem ancient and it really fit the mood, especially worked well for the temple. Though there were a few sections of cut-off, like near the endless bridge. You covered it up pretty well though which is why you’re still very close to full marks for graphics. There was also a bit of messy tiling in some places, but again you either covered it up or made it not very noticeable, so you probably got away with it.


-0.75 – Quite a bit of loading time for some of the levels and through transitions – and lags in places.
+1.5 – Very well thought-out storyline, I love it MoD. You can make the atmosphere turn from simple to wonderful. Though the plot idea itself wasn’t the most original idea in the world, your characters and their role in the story was amazing.
+0.65 – Some of the features you used in your level, I swear, have never been used in levels before. Just seriously, you could start a whole new style of level designing. Just the layers of tiling and the way you almost overdid the decorations but thankfully you found a nice balance, it makes the story come alive. Literally.

Overall – 17.65/20.

I know you wanted it fair for everyone so the judges would be unbiased, but here I’m totally not being biased, I’m just explaining in detail my thoughts when I first played your level and “worshipped” it. Trust me, you deserve the high score and all. :P

with Man vs. Machine

Fun7/10. I found this fairly engaging, but personally I love a good storyline to go by and I didn’t quite feel enough of the story in this while I was playing it. I felt like the tiling was almost random and didn’t really pull you in as much as I would’ve loved. But hey, 7/10 still is a pretty good score for fun.

Graphics4/5. These graphics were pretty goddamn awesome, though I would like to say one thing. I loved the variation in tile shapes, but actual tile types could be varied a bit more. It gets boring seeing the same thing over and over again, and also you could do with a few more blocks or moving triangles or something to decorate it and spice it up more. That mainly fits to part 1 though, because part 2 was full off blocks and tricky challenges. I think you should’ve equaled it out a bit more. Seriously, a feast for the eyes is what I’m looking for. ^_^


-0.25 – More blue coins could be used in part 2 as I had a habit of getting squashed.
+0.5 – The challenges from the blocks were pretty good, and some were quite complicated too. I could tell a lot of playtesting was used to pull them off.

Overall – 14.25/20.

with The Long Night

Fun7.15/10. I can’t deny this level was fun. Hell, your other level was pretty fun too. But again, there’s a thing I find about this style of maze and puzzle, some people love it but I’m not the hugest fan of it. I do love a good maze or a puzzle I’ll admit but your style in particular is quite confusing, having the warp pipes leading in different directions. I kept worrying myself I was going to miss an important part of the level because you hadn’t given a particular direction. But you still got a good score, you deserve it too.

Graphics3/5. The graphics were…mediocre, to be honest. They could’ve been much more decorated and much better shaped but it seemed pretty simple while I was playing it. I think in the future you could work a lot more on really making your level reach beyond the point of plain and normal, and make it stand out. You have a lot of potential as I can clearly see.


-0.45 – Same style of level used as your other one for the last LDC, which means everything seemed predictable and I couldn’t really enjoy this in the way of a level being new and unseen to the eye.

Overall – 12.7/20.

I thought this level was quite ironic personally, because it was called The Long Night I was thinking the level would be long but it wasn’t as long as I imagined.

with Spacerock Galaxy

Fun6/10. Though this level was really quite simple with no storyline and just a normal galaxy, I did quite enjoy it. But there was a fair amount of repetition used, it didn’t feel new and interesting after a while, in fact it started to feel pretty boring.

Graphics4/5. Very nice graphics indeed. Good amount of coins, decoration and really made it feel like a galaxy. I even really liked how you could use pretty awkward tiles (the colourful bricks for example like at the beginning) and fit them in like they were supposed to be there. But another great thing would be if you could add more bricks and other items as well as decorations to improve the scenery. You pulled it off greatly, though.


+0.25 – Adding in a small silver star challenge as well as the red coin one was pretty nice as another way of receiving the shine sprite.

Overall – 13.25/20.

with Windy Valley Gorge

Fun6/10. It was fun to start with, but the whole level itself was pretty predictable after you’d been round the first corner or past the starting section. It got boring…and plain…

Graphics2.95/5. Though there was no cut-off, there was not much with tile variation in shape or type in the first place. It was like everything repeated and followed, which was pretty predictable and frustrating as it had a hell of a lot of potential. The decorations were quite weak and not much used, and the moving blocks were the same every time. Many improvements to be made here.


-0.5 – Because of the lack of enemies and places to fall (especially in the first section) it made this level very difficult to die in, in my opinion. It makes it less challenging, and less platforming skills were needed too.
+0.25 – I liked its style and layout; it was like an A-B level that wasn’t quite A-B exactly. I think you pulled it off pretty well

Overall – 11.7/20.

with Island Paradise Escape

Fun9/10. Wow, one of the best levels for fun I’ve played ever. I loved this! I think the only thing you may need to improve upon is that I managed to find the shine sprite really quickly and I had to restart it in case that wasn’t supposed to happen. But you nailed pretty much everything nicely, well done.

Graphics4.25/5. Nice merging of tiles in the first section there, it caused a tiny bit of untidiness but you weren’t careless at all so I’d say you succeeded with that. I think you could’ve used more decoration, such as items like moving blocks or triangles, but I still loved the variation of shapes and types within the tiles. Bit of cut-off below the warp pipe in the first water section, but nothing too serious.


+1 – God, that maze is pretty awesome. You rock at them: I wish I could make them as awesomely as you do. And you also included the spider Mario technique: that takes me back to when I played one of your levels for the first time. (I can’t remember completely but I’m sure that was you who made that level :3)

Overall – 17.25/20.

with Toad Woodlands

Fun5/10. I’m sorry I didn’t really enjoy this level. It was plainly fun but I don’t think there was a need for it to be split into two levels…it just was very simple in my opinion. I know simple can be fun but not in this case. :3

Graphics3/5. They weren’t the best of graphics. Yeah there wasn’t any cut-off as far as I could see and the decorations you used weren’t overdone but you could’ve varied the tile shaping altogether much more rather than having it so geometric, thanks to Volcove in the 16th LDC I began to learn from that mistake as I used to have the same problem. You could also do with much more decoration, abuse the items for goodness sake! They’re not there to be ignored after all. :p


-0.5 – Quite a bit of lag and loading time throughout, but thankfully not too serious.
-0.25 – Way too many enemies at some point, they’re nice for effect in places but don’t overuse them.

Overall – 10.25/20.

with Exosphere

Fun8.75/10. Oh my God, I loved this! :O I can’t describe how or why but I really got into this, and unlike some other levels I didn’t find it boring as it progressed. You definitely succeeded here, kept me rather entertained actually. Though to get full marks securely in the future you could improve on the confusion factor. :3 I did find it pretty confusing, lol.

Graphics2/5. I’m sorry, the graphics could’ve been improved very much. I think it could’ve done with many more decorations and shape/type of tile variation (like many of the other levels here). There was also a fair bit of cut-off when you were trying to make those symbols. Cave tiles are supposed to be easiest for making awkward shapes out of the ground like that, so I should’ve thought you wouldn’t have needed to use cut-off to create them. But still, you’re exactly at the halfway mark.


+1 – A lot of thought I could see was put into the whole meaning of the level and the hidden secrets, like the unfinished words on the signs, and the symbols around the level. It was pretty difficult to guess but it kept the atmosphere exciting and engaging.

Overall – 14.75/20.
"I treat everyone equally, depending on how much I like them." ~Me
The below image is a montage of my individual highest placing LDC creations, as a reminder to myself that level designing is a part of my life that I can't just leave behind

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Re: 18th Level Designer Contest

Postby MessengerOfDreams » April 13th, 2012, 12:18 pm


Wow... see, I kinda had a feeling... but this is more incredible than you'll ever know. I put my heart and soul into Dark... I'm so, so do glad it resonated with you all.

You are all incredible. Perhaps best contest on record. So glad I could headline it.

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also Diddy/Lucina <3

Fanfic: Worth a Thousand Words
Because the world needed a Samus/Dedede story
Fanfic: Ecstatic Silence
Just wanted to write and ♥♥♥♥ like this happens, you'd think I'd know better.
Fanfic: Far From the Edge
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The story of Rachel meeting Amber after a lifetime of silence and being shunned
Original: Your Hand in Mine
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Re: 18th Level Designer Contest

Postby KevinOC » April 13th, 2012, 12:19 pm



But congrats to MoD and everyone else. I look forward to the next one. :D
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Re: 18th Level Designer Contest

Postby Nwolf » April 13th, 2012, 12:24 pm

Something important about judgings: When I wrote something like "+0.35 Loading Time" in Others, it doesn't mean that the Loading Time was good, but that it wasn't too bad to take away points. The highest point I wanted to give in Loading Time/Lag was +0.5, the lowest -0.5

Level Group 1 (Karyete; Doram; King; ; AzErOTH; MushYoshi; NyanIsAPyro; GMDragon11: show
Sky Blitz Docks by Karyete

Fun: 8/10 Good things first. The level wasn't too easy or too hard, the possibility to take two ways is good, but it wasn't memorable enough.

Graphics: 3.1/5 Now bad things first. There wasn't a single really memorable thing in this level again, but nothing really bad too...

Other: 3.75/5 +0.35: Loading time
-0.05: The falling wooden log next to that sign in the 2nd room (the tower), it looks strange how it is placed lower than the other logs.
+0.15: Great idea with the bob-omb exploding in the boxes. Doesn't always like how it should though.
-0.1: The door at the end leads to itself.
-0.05: You may not know it, but you can place Wooden logs in front of the plants. It really looks better.

+0.5: Music fits really good.

Overall: 14.9/20

Like already mentioned, not really memorable but good. Try improving in that point next time.

Island Paradise Escape by Doram

Fun: 9.3/10 That level was extremely... cool. A short-cut, a hidden way and a factory on top of a mountain. What else do I want? The amount of 1-ups maybe? Yes. That would have been nice to know if you want to find them all. But that's not so bad! It had interesting sections, interesting ideas, was memorable.

Graphics: 4.25/5 The level lacked decoration in the most cave sections. But at the same time, the cave sections looked amazing with the tiles.

Other: 2.8/5 +0.35 Loading time
0 I don't know what to do with this... the end would have been really frustrating without the large cloud. Not really bad or good. Just to mention it here.
-0.35: The waterfall could have looked more realistic...
-0.2: I wonder why there is that color-block in the factory. It doesn't fit that good with the rest... especially cause the metal blocks are there.

Overall: 16.35/20

Not perfect, not bad but this level is great in it's simplicity.

A Place in Space by King

Fun: 6.8/10 Splittet feelings about the fun. While it was interesting to look at it, swin and jump at the same time and using the Sling Stars, the rest was pretty boring for me. It wasn't balanced enough in difficulty, it could have been a little bit harder.

Graphics: 4.5/5 Looks good. Decoration, good tile usage, space junk I couldn't identify cause I didn't play all the games excluding the airship, all nice and good. But if somebody would ask me how the level looked like, I couldn't say much about it.

Other: 3.9/5 +0.5: No lag or loading time!
+0.35: Music fits pretty good
+0.1: Interesting how the water floats around the yellow blocks
+0.05: Sling Star use was good.

-0.1: Part of decoration in front of Flipping Platform and part behind --> doesn't look very good

Overall: 15.2/20

It was interesting and a bit boring at the same time. It had enough "wow!" but too much "meh" and it wasn't balanced enough in difficulty.

Spacerock Galaxy by AzErOTH

Fun: 6/10 This is pretty hard to tell. It had those "WTF!?" and those other "WTF?!" moments. Sometimes it was too hard, after that extemely easy. Make it more balanced!

Graphics: 4/5 Graphics were pretty good, nothing really memorable but good while it lasted. Missed the "WOW!"-effect.

Other: 3.65/5 +0.2: Loading Time + sometimes a bit laggy
-0.35: It's annoying that you don't see the ground sometimes
+0.25: Well made secret room.
+0.05: Red coin placement was extremely clever.
+0.05: Nice extra with the 0 time switches.
+0.35: Music fits pretty good.

Overall: 13.95/20

Could have used less "WTF!?" and "WTF?!" moments and more memorable content.

Windy Valley Gorge by MushYoshi

Fun: 5.8/10 The splitted way to the goal was pretty interesting, it had some interesting features. BUT most of the level was boring. The lag made it even worse. IMO, not your best level.

Graphics: 3/5 Not really interesting design, it was just a grass way with some plants growing on it which all looked boring too.

Other: 2.95/5 -0.3: No loading time when loading it into the LD but when starting the level it has a relativly long loading time and the level lags sometimes
+0.25: Good music choices.

Overall: 11.75/20

I didn't really enjoy it... it had it's good sides, but there were more bad ones, sadly.

Up, Up; Down, Down by NyanIsAPyro

Fun: 7.85/10 It was pretty fun, not too hard, not too easy, not too long, not too short, good placed red coins, Koopa jumping, Sling Stars and Koopa shells to kill enemies. Only bad thing? It was fun while it lasted, but wasn't memorable. It missed some really special level passages.

Graphics: 2.6/5 Weakest point of the level? Graphics. There was no decoration, no cloud turning, nothing special. Try improving in that point next time.

Other: 3.6/5 +0.5: No lag or loading time!
+0.1: Replay-pipe is a good idea.
+0.05: Good usage of Sling Stars.

Overall: 14.1/20

A very good start! Next time, try to improve the Graphics and add something really special to improve Other and Fun!

Shines in the Sky Ruins by GMDragon11

Fun: 6.85/10 Hey, first level which made me ragequit more than 0 times! But I must admit, that it was interesting in it's very own way. I don't know. Something in this level makes me go rage, but something makes me think "wow" too.

Graphics: 3.65/5 Decoration was good. Could use more cowbell/special things. Cut-off seen.

Other: 2.85/5 -0.1: Lag, a bit of loading time.
-0.15: A checkpoint system would have been nice.
-0.1: Failing one time in the Koopa jumping section near the end makes it impossible to get to the end, cause it's not even possible to let the Koopas respawn
-0.15: Unbricked level transition

+0.35: Music was pretty good.

Overall: 13.35/20

In my opinion, not your best level. But it's not too bad, too. Maybe make it easier next time.

Level Group 2 (SomeOne; SuYo1141; BrawlerEX; MessengerOfDreams; Drayano; Volcove): show
¡Vamos a la playa! (translated: Hit the beach! ...if I can trust Google Translator this one time) by SomeOne

Fun: 7/10 It was pretty fun to play, wasn't really special, but fun. Maybe a bit short?

Graphics: 2/5 Let me be short here: It wasn't really good. It had classical sand cut-off, boring decoration placement and... weird placed water. I've seen a lot in the Mario series, but not that water floats right above the ground.

Other: 4/5 +0.5: No lag or loading time
+0.25: "Don't cry if you fall here, it's only your fault". How true... and somehow funny, cause the flipping platform is right beneath the sign :3
+0.25: Music choice was okay.

Overall: 13/20

SomeHow, it was pretty fun to play. It wasn't that good in Graphics, but you can always improve in that point.

Exosphere by SuYo1141

Fun: 9.25/10 DO NOT READ. THIS WILL ONLY GIVE YOU HATE ON ME. IF YOU DISLIKE POSITIVE TEXT. ...Okay, the level was ultimate fun for me. Great FLUDD usage, great Sonic usage, great great usage, great... okay, I mentioned everything.

Graphics: 2.4/5 It looks different in Graphics. They weren't really that good... especially there, where they should have been good: At the cave area. It looked to flat, boring. Next time, really improve here.

Other: 3.8/5 -0.1: If timed really stupid, you can hit the Bullet Bills after using a Sling Star.
0 Small loading time and minor to major lag
+0.15: Interesting idea with the wall jump.
0: You obviously forgot that you added Rocket FLUDD... or is it for the beginners? I don't know, so no minus points this time. :?:
+0.25: Nice Sonic-like sections
+0.5: Music fits really good.

Overall: 15.45/20

SuYo, if you read this, your confidence hopefully has increased by 20% or more. Just improve in Graphics and there's is nothing really bad anymore!

Man vs. Machine by BrawlerEX

Blooming Skylands

Fun: 8.25/10 Interesting, interesting.... had lots of interesting content! Funnily enough, this interesting content was so hard to get played, it wasn't that fun after while playing...

Graphics: 3.65/5 Was pretty.. normal. It wasn't bad, but there wasn't really something too special... especially, you forgot to fill some cave tiles at the end.

Other: 3.8/5 +0.425: Hardly any lag or loading time
-0.125: maybeyoucouldleavesomespacebetweenthewordsonthesigns.
+0.75: Very very interesting level elements (platforms moving to one point and then moving left to right/top to bottom only) and great time switch usage.
-0.25: There's one Sling Star, when you shoot up, the chance is very high to get hit by some Goombas after that.
+0.5: Music fits really good.

Overall pt.1: 15.7/20
Pretty good! Let's see how it looks in part 2....

Running Through Space

Fun: 6.25/10 It had some interesting and new elements again, but some new ones were annoying at the same time. The Metal Star for example just let me think "F*** you, I'll just gonna place Mario somewhere else to skip you." Overall, it was too hard.

Graphics: 4.65/5 The graphics were pretty great! It missed the "final decoration" but I don't care. It was just great. IMO. Which doesn't say too much :P

Other: 3/5 +0.3: Rarely lag or loading time
-0.5: I lost my orientation after metal star and invisibility star section.
+0.2: Again, new interesting level elements.

Overall pt.2: 13.9/20
Fun overall: 8.25 + 6.25 / 2 = 7.25/10
Graphics overall: 3.65 + 4.65 / 2 = 4.15/5
Other overall: 3.8 + 3 / 2 = 3.4/5
Overall overall: 15.7 + 13.9/ 2 = 14.8/20

A relativly good entry! If you would've only used the fun of part 1 and the graphics of part 2 and put them in one level, it would've been very awesome! ...Maybe next time.

Dark by MessengerOfDreams

Fun: 9/10 The most parts had interesting parts and interesting game play. All excluding part 2. It was a bit frustrating playing part 2. Incredible difficulty and longer loading time... not a good mix. The story in the whole series was... awesome.

Graphics: 5/5 You will always be the king of graphics and you know that. Nothing more to say.

Other: 4/5 -0.1: Summing it all up, it's not too bad with the loading time and lag!
-0.05: I noticed that the mysterious voice answered on a sentence Mario didn't say cause the text was too long, so he couldn't say it. (Part 1)

+0.5: Awesome boss battle
+0.25: The final of the series was just.. AMAZING!
+0.35: Music fits pretty good.

+0.05: Come on. This level needs to get 18 points. So here, have it. Don't say anything. I know this is just the most awesome reason to get 0.05 points. :awe: (and no, this is not to make it look biased. This is just for the lulz (?) and the points would normally be part of the extra points for the final.)

Overall: 18/20

Greatness, combined in 5 levels. THIS is what you can call "breathtaking".

The Lost City I by Drayano

Fun: 3/10 No. It wasn't enjoyable. No wait, it wasn't beatable! Are you serious? T_T

Graphics: 1.5/5 And the graphics weren't interesting too!

Other: 2.3/5 +0.3: No loading, but one time heavy lag.
-1: Unbeatable.

Overall: 6.8/20 Ouch. That hurts. Maybe next time, try doing something else, cause this kind of level isn't your kind of level.

Savage Labyrinth pt.1+2/Labyrinth of Pies by Volcove
okay, okay, Labyrinth of Lies

Fun: 9/10 The both parts (Savage Labyrinth) were very innovative in ideas. The possibility to make 3 different difficulty levels using the same path was pretty good too. The 2nd part was a little bit too hard. The Labyrinth of Lies used on of the oldest features again: The elevator. But with newer ideas. In section 1 you needed to go ahead, in section 2 you were trapped between two block-rows and in section 3 you played a Mario-Bullet Hell. Very, VERY clever!

Graphics: 3.75/5 The graphics in the levels were... average. They were okay, but it could've been a bit nicer.

Other: 4/5 +0.1: Well, interesting. Part 1 had a long loading time and massive lag, part 2 had no loading time and no lag. Part 3 wasn't lagging again and had no loading time.
+0.45: Pretty good and new ideas!
+0.35: Music fits pretty good.

Overall: 16.75/20

It was great with it's new ideas and stuff... do you expect me to say more? I already said it was great!

Level Group 3 (SuperMIC; Yoshi999; YB (only to say that I couldn't play it in nice colors :awe: ); MP3; nin10mode; DarkBlaze; Bomberman101): show
There and Back again by SuperMIC

Fun: 8.25/10 Quite interesting, the idea with going to the Time Switch just to go back again to collect all the red coins. It's not way too hard, maybe a bit, but I needed some tries to get to the 4th red coin :3

Graphics: 3.75/5 Graphics were... average. There is always space for improvement.

Other: 3.6/5 +0.5: No lag or loading time
+0.1: Hidden Shine Sprite room reminds me of The Secret of Mushroom in SM63.

Overall: 15.6/20

Pretty good work! Maybe... you could improve in the points where you don't have all points! Sounds like a plan, right?

The Long Night by Yoshi999

Fun: 5.45/10 Well, I really don't know what I should think about this. While it was interesting to be able to choose between 3 paths every time (and being possible to switch paths while in one section), it was pretty boring.

Graphics: 3.25/5 Again, the graphics weren't bad, but they weren't good neither.

Other: 3.5/5 +0.5: No lag or loading time

Overall: 12.25/20

Well, it wasn't really interesting. Summs it all up for me.

M[color=#FF8000]M[color=#FFFF00]M[color=#00FF00]M[color=#00BFFF]M[color=#8040BF]M[/color][/color][/color][/color][/color] by YYYYYYoshiBoooooo118
Too much lag and loading time - couldn't play it.

A Universitas Creaturarum Mirabilis by ~MP3 Amplifier~

Part 1

Fun: 8.5/10 It was pretty fun. Nothing new, but fun.

Graphics: 4.5/5 Pretty good graphics! Nothing way too special, but very good.

Other: 3.35/5 -0.1: Almost no loading time but a bit too much lag.
+0.1: Good idea with all the blue bricks.
+0.25: Great effort with all the night sky beings.

Overall pt.1: 16.35/20

Part 2

Fun: 8.2/10 The maze was pretty fun. The other stuff was good too, but the maze was really the most memorable part about the fun.

Graphics: 4.6/5 The graphics were good again too! Actually, even a bit better!

Other: 3.5/5 -0.15: Almost no lag in section 1 and 3. Incredible lag in section 2 (maze). Almost no loading time again.
+0.3: Very good maze.
+0.35: Talking about the troubles caused by plains.

Overall: 16.3/20
Fun overall: 8.5 + 8.2 / 2 = 8.35/10
Graphics overall: 4.5 + 4.6 / 2 = 4.55/5
Other overall: 3.35 + 3.5 / 2 = 3.425/5
Overall overall: 16.35 + 16.3 / 2 = 16.325

This levels were pretty good! Just too laggy.

Fort Omniquet by nin10mode

Fun: 7/10 The level was a puzzle level. A way too hard puzzle level. Nothing more to say. It was fun, yes. But it was just too hard for me.

Graphics: 4.25/5 For a castle level, pretty good graphics. It didn't look like boring like most castle levels do. It looked good.

Other: 3.75/5 +0.5: No lag or loading time.
+0.1: Good ideas. Just too hard.
+0.15: Fake bridge was a really good idea.

Overall: 15/20

The level would be really good, if it wasn't so difficult. Anyway, good job!

Sandy Soil in the Skylands by DarkBlaze

Fun: 7/10 It wasn't memorable enough. It's just a tile jumping level without some special effects. It was well balanced and included both, tile jumping and Platformer sections and the 1-up shroom was placed well.

Graphics: 4.6/5 The Graphics... it's interesting how you always mixed desert with jungle tiles and the tree placement. I see no cut-off, which is good too. But it was missing the final effect

Other: 3.25/5 +0.25: Music choice was okay.
-0.15: Short loading time, lag in the 1st section, still lagged a little bit in the 2nd and no lag in the 3rd.
+0.1: Water placement was interesting, not memorable but interesting.
+0.05: You start on the only grass tile used in the level, making it look more special.

Overall: 14.85/20

Not too bad, not too good. Nothing really to say except for: Good job, but try even better next time!

Toad Woodlands by Bomberman101

Part 1

Fun: 6/10 ...Well, the level wasn't too bad. It just felt some memorable touch... something special.

Graphics: 3.2/5 Quite good, actually. Just a bit too unnatural in the cave.

Other: 2.9/5 -0.1: A little bit loading time and often lag.

Overall: 12.1/20
Not too bad for the beginning. But lets look at part 2 now!

Part 2

Fun: 4.2/10 ... No. Just no. It wasn't really memorable again... to be honest, just boring.

Graphics: 2.7/5 The graphics were like the fun. Just very boring and flat.

Other: 2.9/5 +0.4: A little bit lag but no loading time.
-0.4: It's quite obvious that you forgot to change Mario's starting position.
-0.1: The door in the tipping log section wasn't placed good.

Overall: 9.8/20
Fun overall: 6 + 4.2 = 5.1/10
Graphics overall: 3.2 + 2.7 / 2 = 2.95/5
Other overall: 2.9 + 2.9 / 2 = guess what it is/5
Overall overall: 12.1 + 9.8 / 2 = 10.95/20

The second part wasn't as good as the first part and the first part could have been more special.

List of placements in my judgings: show
19th Drayano
18th Bomberman101
17th MushYoshi
16th Yoshi999
15th SomeOne
14th GMDragon11
13th AzErOTH
12th NyanIsAPyro
11th BrawlerEX

Top 10:

10th DarkBlaze
9th Karyete
8th nin10mode
6th King
6th SuYo1141
5th SuperMIC
4th ~MP3Amplifier~
3rd Doram
2nd Volcove
1st MessengerOfDreams

...11th! Success, no 4th :awe:

btw, congratulations MoD for being first one to win 3 LDCs and Volcove for getting ANOTHER 2nd place :P Decrease your skill for 5th

So, SK, LR, Mega, Food and me want to make a 5-way-collab for the next LDC, if plans didn't change XD. WOULD IT BE OKAY.

(c) MoD
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Re: 18th Level Designer Contest

Postby Yoshi Boo 118 » April 13th, 2012, 12:31 pm

Yay! I'm really glad I got a 3rd place trophy. New record for me! :mrgreen:

And congrats to all the people who participated, and a special thanks to the judges and Nan for making this happen. I know how tough it can be to judge, but in the end you all pulled through.

P.S: I hope all judges post their ratings.

P.P.S: lol .01 point ahead of Doram :P

Awesome Things, and My Works: show

Credit to Buff for my normal avatar and lordpat for the Red Yoshi sig. Ninny made the Valentine's Gift. <3 Thanks!

Click on the left and right side of my main signature to see my Level Series (Paper Mario 63) and my Levels!

Stories (That are more than just a prologue long):
Unlocked (One of my first stories, pretty much abandoned now)
Koopa's Final Blow (Halloween 2011)
Resonance (Posted here first, but other link is better)
The Gibus Games (TF2 related)
My fanfics are posted here, where the most recent updates will be on.

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SM63 Level Designer Contest Winner
1st Place in the Runolympics SM63 LDC Event. Congratulations!

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Re: 18th Level Designer Contest

Postby GMDragon11 » April 13th, 2012, 12:34 pm

Well not what I expected. But that's what happens when I made a level in like 3 days. I'm okay with it. :)

And congrats on MoD for winning!

You know you wanna watch it.....
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NanTheDark: "For winning Duel #2 - Forest. Nice work you did, you're gonna go far kid. :music:"

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Re: 18th Level Designer Contest

Postby Charcoal » April 13th, 2012, 12:42 pm

D*** IT. I was about to post the results.

I am such an untrustworthy person.

*commits suicide*

Anways, I should post my judging of YoshiBoo118's Level.

Here is my judging for MMMMMM: show

Part 1

Fun - 7/10

I was enjoying it for about 2-3 minutes, and then what? It's over? Well, It's the Prologue I guess it was supossed to be short.

Graphics - 4.5/5

Your graphics are really good, but you could use a little more tile choice.

Other - 3.3/5

+0.5 Those galatic wigglers? They were creative.
-0.2 Some fatal flaws with the sling star after passing the second transition.

Overall 14.8

Part 2

Fun - 5/10

The lagging was just painful. I was at 5-7 FPS. But still rather enjoyable.

Graphics - 4.5/5

Still looking good with the graphics.

Other - 2/10

-1 So much lag and loading time

Overall - 11.5
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Re: 18th Level Designer Contest

Postby SuYo1141 » April 13th, 2012, 12:56 pm

WHYYYYYYY-Ok fine, here are the judgings.

MP3, YB, Volcove, Nyans, Someone: show
MP3 Amplifier~
A Universitas Creaturarum Mirabilis
Fun- 7/10
The level was designed pretty well, even considering the standards of our very own amp. However, the fun was hampered by constant tips on how to get through the stage via the storyline elements. This, I didn't really like, as it is easily observable how to get through the stage from the naked eye. We don't need help, sorry. :/
My last nitpick is the continuity. A lot of places are easily skippable, and while ruining the story, it makes the level odd to get through. Why have two paths in which you have to go through in a specific order? You can't do that. xD
Graphics- 4.5/5
This is where the level succeeds. Everything seems to be executed very well into the level design, with lots of décor and objects to visually enhance the story. Also, the engineering behind the lightning is GENIUS.
Other- 4/5
+1 Little lag, solid level design
PART I SCORE: 15.5/20
Quite the nice level, missy. While I can see it's catered towards new players to the SM63 universe (which is a good move,) sometimes you just have to go sadist. ;)

Fun- 7/10
Again, good level design and solid enemy placement. The tips are relieved, and the houses are nice and decorative. My only complaint is simply a nitpick. If you're going to have doors that don't open, why not just disable them? XD
Graphics- 5/5
This is probably the only 5 I'm ever going to give, but this level deserves it. Everything is jam packed with character and color, giving the level a distinct feel of hope to coordinate with the story. Definite 5 from me.
Other- 3.5/5
+1 Solid level design
-.5 A little lag
PART II SCORE: 15.5/20
Quite nice for the finale. Albeit short, it packs a lot of character inside.
Combined Score: 15.5/20
+1 for successful story execution
FINAL SCORE: 16.5/20
Ver nice level series, missy. There were no definite problems that I need to adress, so I'll just say it's an all-around great series. Keep up the great work.

Yoshi Boo 118
Fun- 9/10
This level was a fricking BLAST. It is very creative and challenging to the human mind. I LOVE that. Also, the plot, while a bit stretched, is pulled off successfully. Nice choice for tribute, man. I see no problems here. My only complaint is the lag, but that belongs in Other, eh?
Graphics- 4/5
The level also succeeds in décor, portraying what it intends to. The ruins section is also very decorative. Good work, YB.
Other- 3.5/5
1.5 Solid level design, challenges mind
-1 Prit-ty bad lag
FINAL SCORE: 16.5/20
Very nice level backed up with a nice concept, directly based off one of the most popular games on the site. Great move. No major problems here.

Savage Labyrinth
Fun- 8/10
This level is genuinely challenging, and for that, it really succeeds. The alt music also helps to give you the feeling that you're truly in for a night of hell. My only problem are parts that were actually unsolvable for me. I could not figure out parts of this stage. That doesn't affect this rating, and overall it's a pretty good ride.
Graphics- 3.5/5
Good graphics are good. The checkerboard is a nice touch, and the décor is nice and spread. Pretty good for a solemn, tense level.
Other- 4/5
+1 solid level design, no lag
PART I SCORE: 15.5/20
Quite the solemn and tense level. It succeeds very nicely for this. Can't wait to play part 2.
Fun- 7/10
The level helps to build tension, though I don't think the split between parts two and three was necessary. Oh well, it works.
Graphics- 3/5
I don't see any major changes, although the addition of numerals for floors is nice. No décor though.
Other- 3.5/5
+0.5 No lag, good design
Honestly, this is a bit lackluster, design-wise. Then again I'm probably in for a treat in part three. Ho boy.
Fun- 8/10
This is where the level succeeds. The bullet danmaku is pulled off great, and the alt music perfectly describes it. Perfect theme for a perfectly urgent level, though the ending is abrupt.
Graphics- 3/5
I dunno what to say. No décor, but good tiling. I'm split even.
Other- 3.5/5
+1 no lag
-.5 cheap level design with unforseeable dead-ends
A good ending to a great series. Keep up the good work, and good luck on 5th place. :3
Combined Score: 14.66/20
+1 for story flow
FINAL SCORE: 15.66/20
Great and challenging series, keeping it simple and stylish. Great job.

Up, Up; Down, Down
Fun- 7.75/10
You know what I love? A throwback to simple platforming. The warp star is executed nicely, and while it has too much of a basis on platforming, it's still a solidly good level. To quote the 15th LDC, “Why can't we have simple platforming like this anymore?”
Graphics- 1.5/5
Uhm....that's the problem here. Decor is used to brighten up a level and give character to it, and I'm sorry, but you have quite little. That could be improved for the next ldc though. ;)
Other- 4/5
+1 Solid level design, no lag whatsoever
FINAL SCORE: 12.75/20
It's a good level, I can't deny that. You just need to improve here and there, and then you could go on to a great Lding career. Good luck, Ry.

!Vamos a Playa!
Fun- 6/10
It's a simple platformer, what can I say? However, despite being a platformer, the level is tremendously easy, only made somewhat difficult by cheap shots out of pipes. Also, I can see a hint of immaturity in the level, with exxageration in signs and meme references. Sorry, but I just don't like that. :/
Graphics- 1/5
There's nearly none. The only things I see are butterflies, and those were easily blown past. There's also lots of cutoff.
Other- 3.5/5
+.5 no lag
FINAL SCORE: 10.5/20
Don't be afraid to be daring, someone. This level is only a decent showing of what you can REALLY do. You have to be bold to be the best.

Nin, Drayano, smic: show
Fun- 7.5/10
This level was a lot of fun to trudge through at first, considering I'm a sucker for puzzles, but as the level became more mind-numbing, it started to lose its original friendly flair and come into true, raw, challenge. I love that.
Graphics- 3.5/5
The tilework is quite decorative and nicely planned, but not very much décor. Hm.
Other- 4/5
+1 no lag, good execution
Good 'n' challenging puzzle level, probably deserves a higher rating due to my lack of skill. :P

The Lost City
Fun- 6/10
Dimension X. Yeah. The gameplay is fun and the design is pulled off good, but it's just a bit lackluster. Once you learn new tricks with blocks you'll be able to spice it up some more.
Graphics- 1.5/5
The graphics are decent at best. There's no major visible cutoff, but it just looks quite bland. Some décor would help tremendously here. Don't know what I mean by décor? See nyansisapyro's review.
Other- 3/5
+.5 Little lag
-.5 Bad loading time (for whatever reason)
FINAL SCORE: 10.5/20
I can see this is one of your first entries. It's not perfect, but it captures your newfound talent, and with some practice, you can be on the road to LD stardom. (Unlike me, I'm staying in the dumps forever along with CoDT)

There And Back Again
Fun- 6.5/10
This level is definitely suited more towards pros. Ah, classic smic. The level platforming is creative and fun, and I wouldn't have it any other way Well, except for one. The continuity. The level is quite confusing, and considering the first two parts were platforming, that's not a very good idea. Plus combined with alt music nyansisapyro gave me (thanks) the level gets even more kick-a. :3
Graphics- 4.5/5
Smic always bugged me about décor. I can see why. The décor in this level doesn't disappoint, with each inch being carefully detailed. Great work, samiku-san.
Other- 3.5/5
+0.5 no lag, good design
FINAL SCORE: 14.5/20
Nin told me this level sucked.
I didn't see what he meant.
Aside from some VERY nasty platforming bits, this level is pretty fun to play through. Good job, smic.
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Re: 18th Level Designer Contest

Postby nin10mode » April 13th, 2012, 2:29 pm

Fifth, hm? Not bad. Congratulations to my fellow placers, and good effort to all participants.

Now, I'd like to comment on judging. Yep. Mostly NWorlds and SuYo. :P

I can't say the judging was very in depth for the most part, and I'd really love to know what kept me at an average of ~7 in fun, though placing fifth isn't too bad, so I guess I don't have much of a place to complain.

I realize that everyone was probably anxious to get it over with and that this had more new judges than any other contest. I appreciate that the 7 of you went in and tried to handle it for each other, but some examples for me, and everyone else, would really get people to improve. I noticed a lot of "It's good, but I don't think it's your best," "It wasn't memorable enough," and "You could have improved in this area," without any explanation as to how. The best way to judge is to explain yourself. Parts you loved, parts you despised, suggestion on what to change, etc. Model after MP3 and Volcove.

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