Buffooner wrote:Just thought I'd point out that you yourself have not specified which games. Which SMG, which Resi, which God of War, which Uncharted, which part of HL2, which Portal?
It's not that I didn't point out WHICH games, I didn't point out the games at all. The art I used is specific and exclusive to a certain installment in the series. If you don't know which game is which that's all on you.
But I guess I can give you a cheat sheet.
Resident Evil 4
Super Mario Galaxy
Majora's Mask
Phoenix Wright: Ace Attorney - Trials and Tribulations
Uncharted 3
Super Smash Bros. Brawl
Portal 2
Half-Life 2
God of War 2
If Avo also meant it like this, I guess we can take it to mean it's Mario Party 8, Guitar Hero 3, Super Monkey Ball and BlazBlue: Continuum Shift. That's all I wanted to clear up.
Just remember this, when you see her on the street.
I'm the cruelest girl you'll ever meet.