but a 5 reminds me of myself
Lol but seriously, this is a good idea!
SMIC's Judging Standards!Judging format: I like to write several paragraphs just dedicated to focusing on my wholesome and honest opinion. I will tell you things like they are, nothing will be sugar-coated and the like. I tend to judge harsher than more judges, because I do honestly expect delivery in the form of an awesome level. So if you have utterly crappy parts in your level, I'll tell you they're utter crap. I won't comment on any other parts of the level which doesn't mean I didn't care for them nor did I like them, they were just solid. If I really liked soemthing in the level, I'll include it in the review, obviously. I have played and judged tons of fantastic levels in the past, most notably the WIBLOAT series, so I do have pretty high standards. XD
FUN: In the fun category of juding, I actually really do look for fun. Simple, straightforward. If I can actually sit through your level and be engaged, you'll score high in this category. For a great level, I'll give a score in the range of 8s or 9s. However, creativity is the second factor that will get you the 10. I'm looking for how you use the LDer in your own ways to make things interesting and (here's that word again!) fun.
Now I also really look for technical prowess in this area too. If you failed to pull a, say a platforming stunt and it's noticeable to me, I'll dock points on that. How many depends on the severity of the issue. Generally, technicality points don't really take out the bulk of fun, so if I can see the intention and it fits appropriately in the level, you wouldn't
really have to squirm in this part. However, again it's the polish that gets you a 10/0
Another thing that I consider in the Fun section is (if you used one) how effective your story is. I am a storywriter myself, so I want to see how you use the LDer as a canvas to make your story take off. How did it enhance the level? Obviously, no story means I don't judge it. However, taking a risk is what makes the difference between a 9 or a 10. I once gave someone 4 points just because of their story, and their level had nothing else in it but story.
0-5.5 is a bad Fun score in my books. I thought it was really boring, no offense.6-7.5 is a meh score for me. It was an okay level... Nothing too bad, nothing too good, but definitely could've been better.8-9.5 is a great level! Fresh, fun, and not boring. The story was very good, and added to the ambience of the level. There might've been a nuance or two of plothole that could've been sorted out, but all in all, a good level.Exactly what I'm looking for.10 is a successful level. I didn't know what colour to choose for a fourth tier, though... But yeah, if I give you a 10, I think you outdid yourself in terms of gameplay. If there was a story, it was absolutely phenominal. If there wasn't, it still was brilliantly fun. Select few levels have ever received a 10 from me, and they are often featured in WITBLOAT, but don't get your hopes down!Visit the following users for great examples of a 10/10 from me: MessengerOfDreams, Krazy321, Fourinone, 24murph, Venexis.
GRAPHICS: Graphics are essential to a level. It's about the orgasmic eye details that we all want! If you gave me a blank level that was just straight brick platforming, it might've been fun, but obviously it looked like a pile of ♥♥♥♥. I'm looking for interesting deployments of tile use and decor, because even if you throw decor around, there's decor, but does it look good? Nooooooo. Tiles also are an underrated part in the graphics system in my opinion that I try to bring to the table. I'm really looking for those extra details: checkerboarded filler tiles, slope, no cut-off, tile variation, etc. etc. A level may have appropriate decor and no cut-off, but still might not be wholly appealling.
Another thing I look at that some people disagree with is colour choice. If you're doing a dark, mellow castle... I don't wanna see any bright colours like green or yellow! Similarly, outside levels, I just wanna see bursts of vibrant colours! It all changes how the level looks and feels. It contributes to the atmosphere of a level. If you succeed in graphics, you can make a sad level feel like a sad level, or a happy one like a happy one. Everything is interlinked, but you might not notice it.
0-2 is a score I rarely give out, but it happens. If you've received it, I hope I don't discourage you. But ratings in this area mean no or inappropriate use of decor, horrible tiling, cut-off, etc.2.5-3.5 is the meh tier of graphics. Reviews I give that contain this score I usually say "solid graphics", and I mean it. There may have been no cut-off and ample use of decor but I wanna see creativity!4-4.5 is great graphics. I really saw great uses of your decorating skills, and you really thought about how things would fit together. You used colours appropriately, and I could feel the kind of modd you tried to convey (if there was a mood).5 is orgasm. Literally. My eyes were tearing up because it was so beautiful. Alright not maybe that exaggerated, but you get what I mean. :3 You really thought about your colour scheme and your tile usage, and you used decor extremely interestingly.Visit the following users that I'd probably give a 5/5 graphically to: nin10mode, MessengerOfDreams, ~MP3 Amplifier~.
OTHER: Again, other might e underlooked at by some. "Oh, just a bug check and lag, whateverrr." To me, I use the Other category to measure Lasting Appeal. (my own term, huehue.)
But first off, Other is still other. It's a technicality thing. Any bugs or things I noticed belong here. What I also do is give a +1 if there was no lag or loading time. If there was lag but a good loading time or vice versa, (however the lag/loading time was bearable) you get a +0.5 for whatever. If the above situation happens but the lag or loading time was noticable, +0.5 AND -0.5 (so 0 lol). If there was lag and loading itme issues, -1.
Now, lasting appeal. What is it? This element I judge really goes with your legacy. Style. Prowess. When I play your level, what am I going to remember about it? Nothing? I'm looking for those really interesting things no one has ever done before that you did, so when I open up the LDer I think to myself: "Oh, I remember this guy that did this! I should use it in my levels!" Basically: creativity. What is the LDing crowd going to take from your levels that they put into theirs? Think about that.
I'm not going to give any tiers for Other, it's pretty self explanatory.
However, visit Volcove's levels for superb execution and legacy.
So yeah. As with Nin, 10 and below is bad. 10.5-14.5 is okay. 15-18 is great! 18.5 to 19.5 I'll remember. 20 is a score I still have never given out... my favourite level of all time has a 19.5/20. I gave a 20/20 to a part in a series once, but that doesn't really couunt. :3
So there you go... :333