All timezones listed are applicable when Daylight Savings is not active. When it is, add 1 hour to whatever timezone for a user if they're in a region that uses DST.
UTC-12 | |
UTC-11 | |
UTC-10 | |
UTC-9 | |
UTC-8 (aka PST) |
UTC-7 (aka MST) |
UTC-6 (aka CST) |
UTC-5 (aka EST) |
UTC-4:30 |
UTC-4 |
UTC-3 | |
UTC-2 | |
UTC-1 | |
UTC (aka GMT) |
UTC+1 (aka CET) |
UTC+2 (aka EET) |
UTC+3 | |
UTC+4 | |
UTC+5 | |
UTC+6 | |
UTC+7 |
UTC+8 |
UTC+9 | |
UTC+10 |
UTC+11 | |
UTC+12 |
Add your location to the map! You shouldn't have to worry about anyone stalking you. If you do just plop an approximate location. Map courtesy of Raz, idea courtesy of Suyo in like 2010 apparently.
Last Edit - Doram - February 28, 2017