Spoiler: show
Emelia Kaylee
Gameplay: 5/10
Yeah, I understand the mission of this level, and for what it is, it’s interesting, and the intrigue keeps it going. But I have a feeling you know as well as I know that there isn’t much of anything to call gameplay here. A little jumping, no real risk, with the story being the main attraction. I don’t know if it was part of the statement, but you could make the same kind of statement while providing some platforming challenge. Therefore, I feel like this middle-of-the-road ranking makes sense.
Scenery: 4.25/5
The scenery is a little TOO minimalistic, but otherwise the structure is really solid and varied, and the cabin in particular looks snazzy.
Misc: 4/5
+1: The exestential crisis that is this level is unique and interesting. I can’t see anyone else wanting to do this, so it’s to your credit that you did. I’m not sure if I quite get it or if I quite agree (it almost seems like a response to my level, ehehe) but it’s unique.
+.25 The hidden signs were a great accent to this.
-.25 because the paths were unclear at some points. Solved by zooming out, but otherwise troublesome.
Total: 13.25/20
It succeeds as a statement much more than a level, but you knew that.
Gameplay: 9/10
Super fantastic concepts here, and a nice, jaunty play. I loved the boomerang layout, and the usage of the thwomps and invisible stars. You for the most part made the concepts work for you very well, although I think there were a lot of awkward jumps to make and some challenges more frustrating than creative. I feel like this is the case for the purple block segment. It’s an idea used before many times, even by Runouw, which isn’t indicative of quality because you can make that work, but it is inherently a frustrating idea which I honestly feel was the case here- more frustrating than enjoyable when you have to make ♥♥♥♥ needlepoint jumps after a pretty mellow beginning, causing a difficulty spike. Otherwise, good going, my man.
Scenery: 5/5
Jeeeesus, I would date this level so hard. Everything looks perfect, beautiful, not jumbled, but most importantly, NEW. Things I’ve seen in this level I’ve never seen pulled off before, especially around the clouds and what have you. You meshed the space, hanging garden, cloud, and garden themes together. Nothing was lost in the garden theme, but it still didn’t feel like JUST a garden.
Misc: 3.5/5
+.5 for great level music
-.75 for basing half a level around a techy move that needs to be done insanely precisely in order to not be a pain in the ♥♥♥. I have only recently worked with boingy platforms that launch you up, and you have to do it precisely to make sure that you don’t have 30 unsuccessful jumps before a good one. As creative as the idea of spores were and as well as you positioned the jumps, the fact of the matter is that oftentimes it takes ultraprecision to even leap off of them, which is frustrating from a technical standpoint, not a gameplay-intended one.
+.5 for the crystal water, an idea that looked better than it had any right to while also being successful.
+.25 for the thwomps that stayed put and provided platforms.
Overall: 17.5/20
Not your pinnacle but you make this look way too ♥♥♥♥ easy <3
Gameplay: 4/10
It’s clear that you had a great idea going for you, but sadly, it’s even clearer that you didn’t execute it as well as you could have. I was interested to see where it’d go, but sadly, it was held back by very very pained platforming with obscene difficulty spikes spawned by poor placement rather than natural difficulty. Too low ceilings, not enough room to jump, barely any wiggle room, and enemy spam. I wish it’d have gone better than it did.
Scenery: 3.5/5
It’s a little too flat for me for the most part with cluttered decoration, but it helped it feel more madcap, plus the house was nice so that’s good.
Misc: 3.5/5
+1 for having a good concept and having the concept itself work decently for you
-.5 for having the last transition cross along the forest part glitch you out of the game. You’re playing with fire, and it’s up to you to not burn people.
Overall: 11/20
Damn, was really hoping to like this more than I did, but it had problems.
Gameplay: 9.25/10
This is a really solid level. Really, really solid. It’s got interesting, varied gameplay while maintaining a relaxed pace that isn’t difficult but is challenging. A nice breather level. It reminds me of DarkBlaze’s entrant for the 16th LDC, albeit not as massive and sprawling. Lots of places to explore, not a lot of drama, even the Kirby music. It did feel a little aimless at first, but if you take it easy, you’re cool.
Scenery: 4.5/5
After playing other levels I can’t say it’s the best of the best but it is pretty damn impressive for a simplistic style. It’s nice to see people keep it old school.
Misc: 4.5/5
+.5 for keeping a system to prevent gap death a la Buffooner.
+.5 for really well hidden secret shine.
+.5 because these were almost -.5 points because I was like “okay, we don’t have to go through the entire level because the red coins were all on the right. Then I realized that you had to find the three fludds to get there and it all made sense. That was pretty smart, if confusing at first.
Total: 18.25/20
Probably your best level yet, it succeeds at what it does.
Gameplay: 7.5/10
Ain’t no rule that says that small levels can’t be fun. Is it somewhat forgettable? Maybe. But for a short play it is fun. No hitches, not a huge problem, just not extraordinary, but still fun. I enjoyed it.
Scenery: 4.5/5
A little too sloppy with the vines and all, and I’d vary the grass tiles, but otherwise some really great looking, with a strong mesh of two vastly contrasting themes.
Misc: 3/5
+.25 for a great alternate music choice
-.25 for killing a good fast level by waiting for a pendulum
Misc: 15/20
A solid short level worth being proud of.
Gameplay: 8.25/10
I gotta say, this is your best level yet. You’ve definitely found your voice and style. I enjoyed most of the platforming, although some of it was unclear (which way to go in the room with the orange switch?) and some of it was just kind of annoying (tight spaces with little wiggle room), although not prevalently. I also feel like the final act was less difficult than the previous parts and kind of rushed, but again, I’m not gonna cry myself to sleep over it. Great work on creating interesting challenges.
Scenery: 4.75/5
Some of it is a little blank but as a whole it really looks remarkable and unique. I love the torn up feel of the inside of the towers.
Misc: 2.75/5
-.75: My problem is that… this doesn’t feel very grassland through at least half of it. Sticking vines on clocktower structure doesn’t make it grassland. That’s often pretty damn lacking in this level, and I say that from experience- I ran into that very problem in my 2011 room for my level. I feel like the theme needed to be executed better.
+.5 for fantastic music.
Overall: 15.75/20
If the theme had been executed better you’d be in better contention, but as it stands you really did a fantastic job, even if it could have been better.
Gameplay: 2/10
If I were entering the contest, I wouldn’t do a simple remake of a classic, unmistakable, indistinct SMB level. Much less one that isn’t complete. It was hard to enjoy because it wasn’t anything that showed what YOU were capable of.
Scenery: ⅖
Mostly fine but with bad cutoff at the end, especially below you at the end. The restriction of creating 1-1 means that the ground would be flat, which meant little variation.
Misc: ⅖
-.5 for needless FLUDDs
-.5 for not doing a complete recreation
Overall: 6/20
It’s not impossible to fail an LDC, but I’d have rather been able to say “your original concept didn’t work” than say “this recreation didn’t work”. Sorry.
Gameplay: 8.25/10
A small yet really intricate level. I’m super impressed at what you can pull at a small scale. I will say that some of the level structure was confusing to the point of being aimless- I’d establish a better sense of direction- which was frustrating, but as it stands you made pretty cool concepts work pretty well.
Scenery: 4.75/5
Some of the clouds and fire boxes were cutoff, but you made a really unique atmosphere and made it well.
Other: 3.5/5
+.5 for a fantastic alt music
Total: 16.5/20
Mp3 Amplifier
Fun: 9/10
While structurally it’s not overly revolutionary, you do a good job at anchoring it with a subtle story, one that grows quietly until it roars at the end, and changes the entire level just by existing. That’s always been your expertise. The platforming itself was nice, if not my favorite. You had some interesting concepts with rotating platforms, but I’ve seen better from you. Regardless, the story came first, not the gameplay, and I can respect that. Unlike the problems I had with Emelia Kaylee’s level, the platforming and gameplay was pretty passable to make it worth exploring the story.
Graphics: 4.5/5
Fantastic graphics marred by a myriad of small mistakes- item cutoff in layering, confusing brick structures that make it hard to maneuver, and other things like that.
Other: 3.5/5
+.5 for a great prequel to Tearing Paper.
Overall: 17/20
Another small, fantastic piece by you. Good work.
Fun: 9.5/10
You really, really made 200x50 work for you. I really, really enjoyed this level. It was a great treasure hunt that was a maze that didn’t hate me, lots of exploration and puzzle solving with simple yet excellent platforming. The two different items found to win also was a nice touch. I also feel that I haven’t even begun to explore all of it, which is really great. It was a nice, mellow play. I think that the platforming could have been more amazing to net it a 10, but that’s just separating fantastic from legendary, and fantastic isn’t bad.
Graphics: ⅘
I will say, however, the graphics did lack to some point. The sameness of the design was a little annoying for me when I actually wanted to progress, and with a theme like this where it’s all about exploring natural lands, you could have given a little more oomph. I like your minimalist style, but it was a little too minimalist.
Other: 4.25/5
+1 for just a fantastic system of exploration that didn’t really frustrate me, that’s a big big feat to pull off.
+.5 for the side quest and the choice of quests
-.25 I zoom out a lot to aid exploration and some of your rooms were too narrow, making me see past the boundaries.
Overall: 17.75/20
This is like your Impossible Treasures/Choose Your Own Adventure Levels done even better. Something to be proud of. You have a strong shot to win!
Fun: 7.25/10
Some of it was kind of sloppy or lackadasical, with the flame towers being kinda strewn about and the platforming being basic, but it was an enjoyable play.
Graphics: 3.75/5
Some great ideas destroyed by sloppy execution (I like the idea of the branches obscuring view of a mountain or secret path but not when they’re kinda thrown around) and otherwise good structure with a little too sloppy plantlife.
Other: 3.25/5
+.25: as messy as it was, I did love the secret path and the path branching.
Overall: 14.25/20
For a first entrant it’s impressive and shows potential for growth, but you’ve got more yet to grow.
Gameplay: 4/10
Not bad, but not altogether impressive. Feels somewhat like some level segments slapped together. Different themes, but similar platforming that felt like the same rehash with different masks. I don’t really have much to say- I feel like you could have given a little more as far as creativity goes. It didn’t feel like a remix as much as a rehash.
Scenery: 2/5
Little to no decoration, random scenery changes, and barren skylands aren’t the most great looking places to find.
Other: 2.5/5
-.5 I don’t find this to have a consistent theme especially around grasslands. It just feels disjointed.
Total: 8.5/20
Very lacking, needed more consistency and effort.
Gameplay: 6/10
It’s not bad. Basic, yet decently enjoyable. It could have used a little more effort and unique qualities to it, but it seems like you’re new to this, and I look forward to seeing your future. This isn’t really winning material, but it’s material that says you’re down for trying til you make it.
Scenery: ⅗
Not much rooted in reality, but still decent looking. The stuff in the sky will usually feel pretty bland, and that’s the case here, but the ground looks pretty good.
Other: 2.5/5
-.5 There wasn’t a lot of grass in the grasslands.
Total: 11.5/20
It isn’t spectacular, but keep trying.
Fun: 8/10
It was a little too linear with not enough variation- I’d struggle to remember offhand level segments as iconic- but you gave it an oddly epic feel and did a good job at creating a pretty interesting level with mainly one enemy in the bullies. I enjoyed it, even if it could have used an extra kick.
Graphics: 4.25/5
Sometimes a little too plain, but otherwise very solid, with nice colors and great shapes. The one complaint is that because it’s somewhat plain (if very competent) it’s even harder to distinguish iconic moments from the level. The flames did look kind of wonky as well, but you’re pretty faultless.
Other: 4.25/5
+1.25: It’s been a long time since I’ve seen something in a level that I want to recreate, but the intro at the beginning dropped my jaw.
-.25 It is somewhat far from the grassland theme at points.
+.25 for great music, if not the greatest
Total: 16.5/20
A fun, straightforward level that could have used more but as-is was satisfying.
Gameplay: 9/10
There was a designer who was around for a brief period that had massive amounts of potential (and even came in 2nd place in an LDC!) who never fully capitalized on it- either his series were filled with bugs, or they were unfinished. I would play his levels and be mostly madly in love with it, but find a reason to mourn his incompletion on the realizing of potential. His name was BralwerEX, and I still wish he’d have finished Inscius Memoriam, but I feel like this is as close as we get to that lost designer fulfilling his potential.
There are still some pain-in-the-ass sections that don’t feel properly tested, especially regarding the special bricks in the castle, and at times the pacing did ebb and flow, but I found a lot of unique ideas, massive amounts of intrigue, and a varied pace of various things. It was a very fun series that you should be proud of. It’s taken you a long time to get here, but I really think you’ve reached your height of potential.
Graphics: 5/5
Intricate, unique, excellent, nearly flawless. It did get a little confusing to tell places apart but it’s not enough to take away from the graphical success.
Other: 2.75/5
+.5 for the flight cap finale, how smart yet also fair.
+.5 for an interesting layout of direction- the nonlinear nature worked well for it.
-.25 In the second part of the castle, the red bricks didn’t squash a player- they functioned as the pause-jump bricks. It happens when you use small platforms for the 180 spin setting rather than big ones. Should have playtested better.
-.25 because it felt like too long without a checkpoint in level 1.
-.25 because the sling star at the end didn’t transport me up properly, and the level also ended quietly because you didn’t fulfill the story potential by flat out saying “lolnvm these aren’t all that mystical”. Either have that element or don’t, I say.
-.25 for using confusing dummy signs that I tried to access but couldn’t, because they weren’t real.
-.25 for adding a wall in the flight section that looked both safe to land on and camouflaged into the background.
Total: 16.75/20
Unfortunately, still held back by a point’s worth of bugs, but still very successful in what it does.
Fun: 8.75/10
Wow, this was a really cool concept. Replay a multi-path level 3 times, one to get each way, transferring messages back and forth. I will admit, the platforming at times got me a little annoyed (never a fan of relying on bullet bills for strenuous jumps, says MoD of all people- and some of the platforms are put at a height near impossible to jump from due to ceilings or what have you) but as a concept, it delivered really well. It was consistently different and consistently fun.
Graphics: 4.5/5
The castles were a little barren and it needed a little something more to make it stand out compared to other pieces in the contest, but you all did a solid job at making this look really nice. In particular I really liked the fences looking like barebones structure to the castle.
Other: 3.5/5
+.5 for amaaaaazing alt music.
+1 for making significant differences every time, so it wasn’t a weak rehash.
-.25: the end got screwed up significantly due to you placing the door warps above the boundary.
-.5: ...okay, I’m the story guy, so it is really kind of my place to judge the story to the best of my abilities. However, while fundamentally the plot of a simple messenger delivering messages to opposing kingdoms, you both didn’t take it far enough, or took it way too far without backing it up. You could have developed the kingdoms better, led more into the backstory of the messenger, the grass king being the bad one was a great twist that came out of nowhere, and the story’s end was just… not fitting at all. He goes back because he was treated poorly, and he dies for it? I don’t get why. And ultimately that’s too many flaws holding back a story that could have been simple yet elegant.
-.25 for not disabling the NPCs in level 1. Although it did lead to funny exchanges.
“Don’t try anything stupid!”
*murders guard*
Overall: 16.75/20
Great work on a good concept, but if you need help with a story next time you know where to find me, as that’s what held this back (along with a few rush-bug jitters).
Fun: 7/10
I think the platforming was solid, if a little forgettable, but again, it’s held back by awkward mechanics. Primarily, the clouds are to blame. The giant clouds… well, let me put it this way. Speed loss can be an interesting gimmick at certain points in a level, and the clouds provided that. Speed loss for an entire level gets tedious, because in a platformer, you want to keep a steady forward motion, to keep your energy going. Because of that, not only are repeated deaths or reading sign walls boring, but having to keep going at a borderline inoperable speed for a large portion of the level is not good. Secondably, the cloud platforms… what kills it for me is that all of them are placed at spaces that would be appropriate to jump between IF the first and last bits weren’t designed to deliberately repel people away. Because of that, you have to make all these perfectly precise, extra long jumps on platforms designed to repel you away as they go at very large speeds. This, unsurprisingly, is frustrating. However, as usual, some great ideas come through, especially with a very nice boss. Lots of potential, but ultimately misguided ideas triumphed.
Graphics: 4.25/5
In some instances, the “marshmallow”ing of the platforms worked well. I liked the grassland mixtures. In others, they did not. The cave/snow mix was an example of this. They’re too intristically different to mesh well, and the problems came through especially when they didn’t mesh, but towered on top of each other like odd zigzags. It works less for nature tiles than it does for structure tiles. However, when it worked, it worked- the clouds looked glorious mixed with the temple, and the grasslands looked good too.
Other: 2.75/5
-.5 The entire second level feels out of place in this contest. It’s so largely made from clouds that it no longer is in the grassland theme. Considering a large portion of the fun problems land there, I’d say it’d have been smarter to just do the one level, where everything worked well.
+.5 for the secrets quest.
Overall: 14/20
Again held back by misguided ideas.
Fun: Score/Top Score
Critique about enjoyability of level with pointing out of its flaws and what makes it succeed, how you could improve it, but pointificating your strengths.
Graphics: Score/Top Score
Critique about aesthetic pleasure of the level, pointing out what looks average or bad, but raving about the sucesses.
Other: Score/Top Score
+Appropriate number: Pointing out a strong element of the level.
+Appropriate number: Pointing out another highlight
-Appropriate number: Pointing out a flaw in the level
-Appropriate number: Pointing out another setback.
Overall: Total score of above three/Highest Possible Score
Final word of advice on strengths and weaknesses to conclude the judging.
Harmless (18.25/20)
Doram (17.75/20)
Yurimaster (17.5/20)
MP3 Amplifier (17/20)
Supershroom (16.75/20)/FrozenFire/NanTheDark (16.75/20)
BY (16.5/20)/Jumbo101 (16.5/20)
Karyete (15.75/20)
MegaR (15/20)
asdfmoviecaleb (14.25/20)
1018peter (14/20)
EmeliaKaylee (13.25/20)
Pugplays (11.5/20)
ChaosYoshi (10/20)
SuperPika (8.25/20)
singerboy (6/20)
Gameplay: 5/10
Yeah, I understand the mission of this level, and for what it is, it’s interesting, and the intrigue keeps it going. But I have a feeling you know as well as I know that there isn’t much of anything to call gameplay here. A little jumping, no real risk, with the story being the main attraction. I don’t know if it was part of the statement, but you could make the same kind of statement while providing some platforming challenge. Therefore, I feel like this middle-of-the-road ranking makes sense.
Scenery: 4.25/5
The scenery is a little TOO minimalistic, but otherwise the structure is really solid and varied, and the cabin in particular looks snazzy.
Misc: 4/5
+1: The exestential crisis that is this level is unique and interesting. I can’t see anyone else wanting to do this, so it’s to your credit that you did. I’m not sure if I quite get it or if I quite agree (it almost seems like a response to my level, ehehe) but it’s unique.
+.25 The hidden signs were a great accent to this.
-.25 because the paths were unclear at some points. Solved by zooming out, but otherwise troublesome.
Total: 13.25/20
It succeeds as a statement much more than a level, but you knew that.
Gameplay: 9/10
Super fantastic concepts here, and a nice, jaunty play. I loved the boomerang layout, and the usage of the thwomps and invisible stars. You for the most part made the concepts work for you very well, although I think there were a lot of awkward jumps to make and some challenges more frustrating than creative. I feel like this is the case for the purple block segment. It’s an idea used before many times, even by Runouw, which isn’t indicative of quality because you can make that work, but it is inherently a frustrating idea which I honestly feel was the case here- more frustrating than enjoyable when you have to make ♥♥♥♥ needlepoint jumps after a pretty mellow beginning, causing a difficulty spike. Otherwise, good going, my man.
Scenery: 5/5
Jeeeesus, I would date this level so hard. Everything looks perfect, beautiful, not jumbled, but most importantly, NEW. Things I’ve seen in this level I’ve never seen pulled off before, especially around the clouds and what have you. You meshed the space, hanging garden, cloud, and garden themes together. Nothing was lost in the garden theme, but it still didn’t feel like JUST a garden.
Misc: 3.5/5
+.5 for great level music
-.75 for basing half a level around a techy move that needs to be done insanely precisely in order to not be a pain in the ♥♥♥. I have only recently worked with boingy platforms that launch you up, and you have to do it precisely to make sure that you don’t have 30 unsuccessful jumps before a good one. As creative as the idea of spores were and as well as you positioned the jumps, the fact of the matter is that oftentimes it takes ultraprecision to even leap off of them, which is frustrating from a technical standpoint, not a gameplay-intended one.
+.5 for the crystal water, an idea that looked better than it had any right to while also being successful.
+.25 for the thwomps that stayed put and provided platforms.
Overall: 17.5/20
Not your pinnacle but you make this look way too ♥♥♥♥ easy <3
Gameplay: 4/10
It’s clear that you had a great idea going for you, but sadly, it’s even clearer that you didn’t execute it as well as you could have. I was interested to see where it’d go, but sadly, it was held back by very very pained platforming with obscene difficulty spikes spawned by poor placement rather than natural difficulty. Too low ceilings, not enough room to jump, barely any wiggle room, and enemy spam. I wish it’d have gone better than it did.
Scenery: 3.5/5
It’s a little too flat for me for the most part with cluttered decoration, but it helped it feel more madcap, plus the house was nice so that’s good.
Misc: 3.5/5
+1 for having a good concept and having the concept itself work decently for you
-.5 for having the last transition cross along the forest part glitch you out of the game. You’re playing with fire, and it’s up to you to not burn people.
Overall: 11/20
Damn, was really hoping to like this more than I did, but it had problems.
Gameplay: 9.25/10
This is a really solid level. Really, really solid. It’s got interesting, varied gameplay while maintaining a relaxed pace that isn’t difficult but is challenging. A nice breather level. It reminds me of DarkBlaze’s entrant for the 16th LDC, albeit not as massive and sprawling. Lots of places to explore, not a lot of drama, even the Kirby music. It did feel a little aimless at first, but if you take it easy, you’re cool.
Scenery: 4.5/5
After playing other levels I can’t say it’s the best of the best but it is pretty damn impressive for a simplistic style. It’s nice to see people keep it old school.
Misc: 4.5/5
+.5 for keeping a system to prevent gap death a la Buffooner.
+.5 for really well hidden secret shine.
+.5 because these were almost -.5 points because I was like “okay, we don’t have to go through the entire level because the red coins were all on the right. Then I realized that you had to find the three fludds to get there and it all made sense. That was pretty smart, if confusing at first.
Total: 18.25/20
Probably your best level yet, it succeeds at what it does.
Gameplay: 7.5/10
Ain’t no rule that says that small levels can’t be fun. Is it somewhat forgettable? Maybe. But for a short play it is fun. No hitches, not a huge problem, just not extraordinary, but still fun. I enjoyed it.
Scenery: 4.5/5
A little too sloppy with the vines and all, and I’d vary the grass tiles, but otherwise some really great looking, with a strong mesh of two vastly contrasting themes.
Misc: 3/5
+.25 for a great alternate music choice
-.25 for killing a good fast level by waiting for a pendulum
Misc: 15/20
A solid short level worth being proud of.
Gameplay: 8.25/10
I gotta say, this is your best level yet. You’ve definitely found your voice and style. I enjoyed most of the platforming, although some of it was unclear (which way to go in the room with the orange switch?) and some of it was just kind of annoying (tight spaces with little wiggle room), although not prevalently. I also feel like the final act was less difficult than the previous parts and kind of rushed, but again, I’m not gonna cry myself to sleep over it. Great work on creating interesting challenges.
Scenery: 4.75/5
Some of it is a little blank but as a whole it really looks remarkable and unique. I love the torn up feel of the inside of the towers.
Misc: 2.75/5
-.75: My problem is that… this doesn’t feel very grassland through at least half of it. Sticking vines on clocktower structure doesn’t make it grassland. That’s often pretty damn lacking in this level, and I say that from experience- I ran into that very problem in my 2011 room for my level. I feel like the theme needed to be executed better.
+.5 for fantastic music.
Overall: 15.75/20
If the theme had been executed better you’d be in better contention, but as it stands you really did a fantastic job, even if it could have been better.
Gameplay: 2/10
If I were entering the contest, I wouldn’t do a simple remake of a classic, unmistakable, indistinct SMB level. Much less one that isn’t complete. It was hard to enjoy because it wasn’t anything that showed what YOU were capable of.
Scenery: ⅖
Mostly fine but with bad cutoff at the end, especially below you at the end. The restriction of creating 1-1 means that the ground would be flat, which meant little variation.
Misc: ⅖
-.5 for needless FLUDDs
-.5 for not doing a complete recreation
Overall: 6/20
It’s not impossible to fail an LDC, but I’d have rather been able to say “your original concept didn’t work” than say “this recreation didn’t work”. Sorry.
Gameplay: 8.25/10
A small yet really intricate level. I’m super impressed at what you can pull at a small scale. I will say that some of the level structure was confusing to the point of being aimless- I’d establish a better sense of direction- which was frustrating, but as it stands you made pretty cool concepts work pretty well.
Scenery: 4.75/5
Some of the clouds and fire boxes were cutoff, but you made a really unique atmosphere and made it well.
Other: 3.5/5
+.5 for a fantastic alt music
Total: 16.5/20
Mp3 Amplifier
Fun: 9/10
While structurally it’s not overly revolutionary, you do a good job at anchoring it with a subtle story, one that grows quietly until it roars at the end, and changes the entire level just by existing. That’s always been your expertise. The platforming itself was nice, if not my favorite. You had some interesting concepts with rotating platforms, but I’ve seen better from you. Regardless, the story came first, not the gameplay, and I can respect that. Unlike the problems I had with Emelia Kaylee’s level, the platforming and gameplay was pretty passable to make it worth exploring the story.
Graphics: 4.5/5
Fantastic graphics marred by a myriad of small mistakes- item cutoff in layering, confusing brick structures that make it hard to maneuver, and other things like that.
Other: 3.5/5
+.5 for a great prequel to Tearing Paper.
Overall: 17/20
Another small, fantastic piece by you. Good work.
Fun: 9.5/10
You really, really made 200x50 work for you. I really, really enjoyed this level. It was a great treasure hunt that was a maze that didn’t hate me, lots of exploration and puzzle solving with simple yet excellent platforming. The two different items found to win also was a nice touch. I also feel that I haven’t even begun to explore all of it, which is really great. It was a nice, mellow play. I think that the platforming could have been more amazing to net it a 10, but that’s just separating fantastic from legendary, and fantastic isn’t bad.
Graphics: ⅘
I will say, however, the graphics did lack to some point. The sameness of the design was a little annoying for me when I actually wanted to progress, and with a theme like this where it’s all about exploring natural lands, you could have given a little more oomph. I like your minimalist style, but it was a little too minimalist.
Other: 4.25/5
+1 for just a fantastic system of exploration that didn’t really frustrate me, that’s a big big feat to pull off.
+.5 for the side quest and the choice of quests
-.25 I zoom out a lot to aid exploration and some of your rooms were too narrow, making me see past the boundaries.
Overall: 17.75/20
This is like your Impossible Treasures/Choose Your Own Adventure Levels done even better. Something to be proud of. You have a strong shot to win!
Fun: 7.25/10
Some of it was kind of sloppy or lackadasical, with the flame towers being kinda strewn about and the platforming being basic, but it was an enjoyable play.
Graphics: 3.75/5
Some great ideas destroyed by sloppy execution (I like the idea of the branches obscuring view of a mountain or secret path but not when they’re kinda thrown around) and otherwise good structure with a little too sloppy plantlife.
Other: 3.25/5
+.25: as messy as it was, I did love the secret path and the path branching.
Overall: 14.25/20
For a first entrant it’s impressive and shows potential for growth, but you’ve got more yet to grow.
Gameplay: 4/10
Not bad, but not altogether impressive. Feels somewhat like some level segments slapped together. Different themes, but similar platforming that felt like the same rehash with different masks. I don’t really have much to say- I feel like you could have given a little more as far as creativity goes. It didn’t feel like a remix as much as a rehash.
Scenery: 2/5
Little to no decoration, random scenery changes, and barren skylands aren’t the most great looking places to find.
Other: 2.5/5
-.5 I don’t find this to have a consistent theme especially around grasslands. It just feels disjointed.
Total: 8.5/20
Very lacking, needed more consistency and effort.
Gameplay: 6/10
It’s not bad. Basic, yet decently enjoyable. It could have used a little more effort and unique qualities to it, but it seems like you’re new to this, and I look forward to seeing your future. This isn’t really winning material, but it’s material that says you’re down for trying til you make it.
Scenery: ⅗
Not much rooted in reality, but still decent looking. The stuff in the sky will usually feel pretty bland, and that’s the case here, but the ground looks pretty good.
Other: 2.5/5
-.5 There wasn’t a lot of grass in the grasslands.
Total: 11.5/20
It isn’t spectacular, but keep trying.
Fun: 8/10
It was a little too linear with not enough variation- I’d struggle to remember offhand level segments as iconic- but you gave it an oddly epic feel and did a good job at creating a pretty interesting level with mainly one enemy in the bullies. I enjoyed it, even if it could have used an extra kick.
Graphics: 4.25/5
Sometimes a little too plain, but otherwise very solid, with nice colors and great shapes. The one complaint is that because it’s somewhat plain (if very competent) it’s even harder to distinguish iconic moments from the level. The flames did look kind of wonky as well, but you’re pretty faultless.
Other: 4.25/5
+1.25: It’s been a long time since I’ve seen something in a level that I want to recreate, but the intro at the beginning dropped my jaw.
-.25 It is somewhat far from the grassland theme at points.
+.25 for great music, if not the greatest
Total: 16.5/20
A fun, straightforward level that could have used more but as-is was satisfying.
Gameplay: 9/10
There was a designer who was around for a brief period that had massive amounts of potential (and even came in 2nd place in an LDC!) who never fully capitalized on it- either his series were filled with bugs, or they were unfinished. I would play his levels and be mostly madly in love with it, but find a reason to mourn his incompletion on the realizing of potential. His name was BralwerEX, and I still wish he’d have finished Inscius Memoriam, but I feel like this is as close as we get to that lost designer fulfilling his potential.
There are still some pain-in-the-ass sections that don’t feel properly tested, especially regarding the special bricks in the castle, and at times the pacing did ebb and flow, but I found a lot of unique ideas, massive amounts of intrigue, and a varied pace of various things. It was a very fun series that you should be proud of. It’s taken you a long time to get here, but I really think you’ve reached your height of potential.
Graphics: 5/5
Intricate, unique, excellent, nearly flawless. It did get a little confusing to tell places apart but it’s not enough to take away from the graphical success.
Other: 2.75/5
+.5 for the flight cap finale, how smart yet also fair.
+.5 for an interesting layout of direction- the nonlinear nature worked well for it.
-.25 In the second part of the castle, the red bricks didn’t squash a player- they functioned as the pause-jump bricks. It happens when you use small platforms for the 180 spin setting rather than big ones. Should have playtested better.
-.25 because it felt like too long without a checkpoint in level 1.
-.25 because the sling star at the end didn’t transport me up properly, and the level also ended quietly because you didn’t fulfill the story potential by flat out saying “lolnvm these aren’t all that mystical”. Either have that element or don’t, I say.
-.25 for using confusing dummy signs that I tried to access but couldn’t, because they weren’t real.
-.25 for adding a wall in the flight section that looked both safe to land on and camouflaged into the background.
Total: 16.75/20
Unfortunately, still held back by a point’s worth of bugs, but still very successful in what it does.
Fun: 8.75/10
Wow, this was a really cool concept. Replay a multi-path level 3 times, one to get each way, transferring messages back and forth. I will admit, the platforming at times got me a little annoyed (never a fan of relying on bullet bills for strenuous jumps, says MoD of all people- and some of the platforms are put at a height near impossible to jump from due to ceilings or what have you) but as a concept, it delivered really well. It was consistently different and consistently fun.
Graphics: 4.5/5
The castles were a little barren and it needed a little something more to make it stand out compared to other pieces in the contest, but you all did a solid job at making this look really nice. In particular I really liked the fences looking like barebones structure to the castle.
Other: 3.5/5
+.5 for amaaaaazing alt music.
+1 for making significant differences every time, so it wasn’t a weak rehash.
-.25: the end got screwed up significantly due to you placing the door warps above the boundary.
-.5: ...okay, I’m the story guy, so it is really kind of my place to judge the story to the best of my abilities. However, while fundamentally the plot of a simple messenger delivering messages to opposing kingdoms, you both didn’t take it far enough, or took it way too far without backing it up. You could have developed the kingdoms better, led more into the backstory of the messenger, the grass king being the bad one was a great twist that came out of nowhere, and the story’s end was just… not fitting at all. He goes back because he was treated poorly, and he dies for it? I don’t get why. And ultimately that’s too many flaws holding back a story that could have been simple yet elegant.
-.25 for not disabling the NPCs in level 1. Although it did lead to funny exchanges.
“Don’t try anything stupid!”
*murders guard*
Overall: 16.75/20
Great work on a good concept, but if you need help with a story next time you know where to find me, as that’s what held this back (along with a few rush-bug jitters).
Fun: 7/10
I think the platforming was solid, if a little forgettable, but again, it’s held back by awkward mechanics. Primarily, the clouds are to blame. The giant clouds… well, let me put it this way. Speed loss can be an interesting gimmick at certain points in a level, and the clouds provided that. Speed loss for an entire level gets tedious, because in a platformer, you want to keep a steady forward motion, to keep your energy going. Because of that, not only are repeated deaths or reading sign walls boring, but having to keep going at a borderline inoperable speed for a large portion of the level is not good. Secondably, the cloud platforms… what kills it for me is that all of them are placed at spaces that would be appropriate to jump between IF the first and last bits weren’t designed to deliberately repel people away. Because of that, you have to make all these perfectly precise, extra long jumps on platforms designed to repel you away as they go at very large speeds. This, unsurprisingly, is frustrating. However, as usual, some great ideas come through, especially with a very nice boss. Lots of potential, but ultimately misguided ideas triumphed.
Graphics: 4.25/5
In some instances, the “marshmallow”ing of the platforms worked well. I liked the grassland mixtures. In others, they did not. The cave/snow mix was an example of this. They’re too intristically different to mesh well, and the problems came through especially when they didn’t mesh, but towered on top of each other like odd zigzags. It works less for nature tiles than it does for structure tiles. However, when it worked, it worked- the clouds looked glorious mixed with the temple, and the grasslands looked good too.
Other: 2.75/5
-.5 The entire second level feels out of place in this contest. It’s so largely made from clouds that it no longer is in the grassland theme. Considering a large portion of the fun problems land there, I’d say it’d have been smarter to just do the one level, where everything worked well.
+.5 for the secrets quest.
Overall: 14/20
Again held back by misguided ideas.
Fun: Score/Top Score
Critique about enjoyability of level with pointing out of its flaws and what makes it succeed, how you could improve it, but pointificating your strengths.
Graphics: Score/Top Score
Critique about aesthetic pleasure of the level, pointing out what looks average or bad, but raving about the sucesses.
Other: Score/Top Score
+Appropriate number: Pointing out a strong element of the level.
+Appropriate number: Pointing out another highlight
-Appropriate number: Pointing out a flaw in the level
-Appropriate number: Pointing out another setback.
Overall: Total score of above three/Highest Possible Score
Final word of advice on strengths and weaknesses to conclude the judging.
Harmless (18.25/20)
Doram (17.75/20)
Yurimaster (17.5/20)
MP3 Amplifier (17/20)
Supershroom (16.75/20)/FrozenFire/NanTheDark (16.75/20)
BY (16.5/20)/Jumbo101 (16.5/20)
Karyete (15.75/20)
MegaR (15/20)
asdfmoviecaleb (14.25/20)
1018peter (14/20)
EmeliaKaylee (13.25/20)
Pugplays (11.5/20)
ChaosYoshi (10/20)
SuperPika (8.25/20)
singerboy (6/20)