by npromin1 » April 29th, 2016, 5:52 pm
When I originally came up with the vertical theme in the suggestions thread and when I nominated it, my thoughts were more on Venexis' lines of thinking. Instead of having an actual limit for the x value,I'd rather for the general direction of travel to be vertical.
To determine the difference between a "vertical" level or a "horizontal" level,I think an X:Y ratio should be used.
If it was up to me, the ratio would be 1:4. So as an example, a 25 x 100 level would work, or a 200 x 800. 200 x 600 would not work. If there is empty space due to level transitions, that is okay. If there is empty space, and no content to the right or left, the level may not fit the theme. I would deem any level that seems as if the character is mostly travelling upwards or downwards to fit the theme.
Of course, there might need to be a few changes to this if necessary.