The Best Staff Member award goes to...
Magician of the Backstage: show , with 55,6% of the votes!
Among all active staff, Doram took active part in the most varied contributions to backstage work, ranging from substantial Wiki pages and running holiday forums to singlehandedly improving the forum's functionality. Well done, sir! This is your second award in a row, and it still was very much deserved.
The runners-up were:
and , with 16,7% of the votes each! , with 11,1% of the votes!
The winner of the Best Normal Member category is...
Representative of the people: show , with 50% of the votes!
Leonardo DiCaprio!
After at least three successive podium runs in a row, Nan has amassed the majority of votes in this category and finally gets to take the trophy home! Hooray! *cheering and applause*The runners-up were:
, with 27,8% of the votes! , with 22,2% of the votes!
In first place for Best New Member, we have...
Cream of the New Crop: show , with 77,8% of the votes!
Give a warm welcome for our new official site mascot!
This award was won by a landslide, and not for nothing! You're really active on the Discord server and in the Level Portal. You also have some serious potential in level designing!
And, guys and girls, did you know he can actually play the piano?
The runners-up were:
and , with 11,1% of the votes each!
In Best Level Designer, the winner is...
Wielder of Perseverance: show , with 50% of the votes!
That was a close finish! And a welcome change of pace from the previous Votes, as well. All of this edition's nominees were never highlighted in previous awards!
Karyete's dedication to his levels, both in terms of atmosphere and creative platforming, is what stood out here. Congratulations!
The runners-up were:
, with 35,7% of the votes! , with 14,3% of the votes!
The Best Artist Award goes to...
, with 38,9% of the votes!
Another photo finish! This edition's nominees consisted mainly of visual artists dishing out new works at a frightening pace. Curiously enough, out of all our nominees, only Karyete and Forgotten participated in the Art Contest back on January.
The runners-up were:
and , with 27,8% of the votes each! , with 5,6% of the votes!
The Biggest Fanboy award champion is...
Your local supply of daily doses of Cosmic Tank: show , with 44,4% of the votes!
Yet another landslide! There was skepticism on this category's future with its olden geniuses either long gone or inactive. However, the community has spoken: we still have a strong representative around - glistening, even! Congrats!
The runners-up were:
, with 27,8% of the votes! , with 16,7% of the votes!
The Best Avatar prize goes to...
Shiny business cards: show , with 27,8% of the votes!
With rock solid avatars left and right, this was the most competitive category out there. At one point, there even was a quadruple tie for the win.
Well done, Yuri!
The runners-up were:
and , with 22,2% of the votes each! , with 16,7% of the votes!
The Best Signature's winner is...
Greenest Garden Around: show , with 33,3% of the votes!
This was likely the main award in which the old dogs are still going strong, with fewer solid signatures seeing the light of day as of late. Nevertheless, the contestants were top notch, and competition was tough down to the last vote.
Bravo, SK!
The runners-up were:
, with 27,8% of the votes! , with 22,2% of the votes!
The top spot in Funniest Member was claimed by...
Nothing is impossible, There's just the unprecedented: show , with 44,4% of the votes!
But not today.
This is the third time Ven and his rocket science steal the spotlight. Thanks a lot for doing what you do best, and keep it up no matter what!
The runners-up were:
, with 22,2% of the votes! and , with 16,7% of the votes each!
The Master of a Hidden Talent is...
You just activated my trap card: show , with 44,4% of the votes!
It's really nice when you hop into the server and play a few tunes. It never fails to cheer the place up!
Bravo, Harmless!
The runners-up were:
, with 22,2% of the votes! , with 16,7% of the votes!
The forum's Most Notable Site Friendship is...
Call me Bond, James Bond: show and , with 66,7% of the votes!
All shipping aside, it's clear as day you guys would win just from the one time half the crew dropped by on your voice chat at the RPG server.
The runners-up were:
and , with 16,7% of the votes! and ; and ; , , and , with 5,6% of the votes for each team!
In first place for the Biggest Accomplishment category, we have...
All for a forum that will eventually be old enough to drive: show 's Daily Drawings and 's First Fantasy RPG, with 27,8% of the votes each!
Yes, you read it right. We have a tie for first place!
Nan's pulled off one of the most successful New Year's Resolutions known to man, and Peter's RPG was a big help to revitalize the dedicated Discord server. Congrats to you both!
The runners-up were:
32nd Level Designer Contest, with 22,2% of the votes! The implementation of Fulltables and Deleting Jojokes, with 11,1% of the votes each!
And the Best Level award goes to...
Mission at Castle Xionne by , with 50% of the votes!
It's a double winning run! With the competitors practically restricted to the 32nd LDC, this trophy was in the bag.
Well done, KABOOM!
The runners-up were:
Flickering Forest by , with 28,6% of the votes! Machine Massacre Facility by , with 14,26% of the votes!