A virtual planet is in your hands to create. You basically describe something to create (can be anything from cars to guns to houses to species to currency to population to ANYTHING). pick something, describe it, use detail, and someone else can either pick something else to describe about the planet OR they can add more detail to something already described. Here are a few rules:
No taking away the effects of other peoples' descriptions
There is only 1 planet. Do not say something like the planet blew up and now we start over. However, your population may travel to other planets.
If you disagree with what somebody else said about something, choose a different form of that something (example, someone uses a pistol, you choose a BLUE pistol).
Okay. As always, I'll start.
The planet is named LittleBigPlanet (how appropriate). It is home to a population of 1 million humans. Weapons consist of guns that can vaprerize anything.
Now it's your turn. Have fun.