NanTheDark wrote:Ayrayen wrote:I'm fighting myself as hard as I can.
But i'm a pretty tough opponent!
Sheathe your sword. Yourself aren't someone you can fight, but something that must be embraced or accepted...
Hang in there Ay. I have faith in you. I know you can go through this ordeal.
The TV Tropes link should also be a nice distraction from things. :3 Just don't open too many tabs or you'll be wandering there for hours.
That's pretty neat. And yes, nice with distractions from time to time.
*Emelia Kaylee wrote:here is a bunny eating a flower
i hope you will have a good day after looking at a bunny eating a flower
Yes, my life is now complete. Thank you~
~MP3 Amplifier~ wrote:
True love.
Sorry for not talking to you much recently. I do care even though I suck at showing it. :/
I never blamed you.
Now... I believe that i'm finally ready for Part facking 5
Part 5 - My father's side
We all know that, we live, and we all die at some point in life.
Some of us, we die earlier than others.
This part is about my Father's Two Siblings.
He had a Brother and a Sister, when I was just a kid, my father's bro' got diagnosed with Alzheimer and my father sister got diagnosed with cancer.
There were many days where i laid at my bed, looking up at the roof, thinking..
So once I decided on what to do. I tried to move on.
We did visit them from time to time, after all... They were important, not only to me but to my father as well.
I remember, before 'she' died, she wanted to see my Father's bro' before 'the time comes'.
She died just one hour after the visit, they drove her home. And she passed away.
It was a beautiful funeral tho'.
When it comes to my Father's brother, he died as well, but to think that his daughter, didn't even
Invite us in to the Funeral is just ridiculous.
She didn't want my father to have his belongings. Whatever was on his 'list', was kind of scrapped away.
I felt such an intense rage. To get rid of it, I went to my favorite beach and punched a rock all I could and screamed as well.
It was nice.
But now. I am kind of lost.
To be honest, i'm very very lost.
The pills made me happier.
I met a girl that I like.
My father survived cancer.
I know, deep inside, that what i'm going through, is something that will probably never leave me.
And that's ok. If I die, i'll die.
But I won't die without a fight.
As I mentioned earlier, there's a lot of things to learn in life.
I've seen a lot of shiet in my life, and I've learned a lot on the way as well.
I hereby want to ask You, as a reader. What do you think about 'all of this'?
This story of mine.
What do you feel when you ready it?
What are your thoughts around humanity?
Could you reflect anything of my story to your past?
Anything is appreciated. Personal opinions and thoughts are also welcome.
And if you have any questions. I'll be sure to answer them. Anytime.
My story goes on. But for now. I want to thank all of you, who took your time to read.
And a huge thanks for even 'trying' to help.