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Last Legacy: Gary Quest

Gary Quest is a game about exploring new worlds. From the looming corridors of a long-abandoned castle, you will find portals connecting the castle to different worlds. You must learn the secrets of the past in order to save your town from being attacked by dark creatures.

The game is being made with Godot Engine and will be playable on Windows. Mac and Linux version will likely be available too. More information coming soon.

Check out our Discord server for more updates.

Last Legacy: Null Space

Last Legacy is a side-scrolling, platformer-puzzle game series for PC currently with 2 installments. You play as an adventurer with a magical terraforming ability where you can manipulate the environment around you as you explore new areas, battle enemies, and discover secrets.

I want to keep focused on SM63, so if you want to find out more about Last Legacy, check out the website.

Site News

New Last Legacy website is out!

Check out the new website!

How can I donate?

Any donation received is appreciated and will certainly help us make more awesome games in the future!
